A packaged repository for our final studio project called "Urban Voids", created for the Artificial Intelligence seminar at the MACAD Masters. The repository contains all the necessary information, links and scripts necesarry to re-create the project using new and different data.
PROJECT WEBSITE: https://city-lab.wixsite.com/urbanvoids
PROJECT PRESENTATION: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1L4VRuB_jidArYhuBXs-xwt1c2C1jbivOYGPGUOos4AQ/edit?usp=sharing
FACULTY: Angelos Chronis + Lea Khairallah
COLLABORATORS: Aleksander Mastalski + Amal Algamdey + Amar Gurung + Felipe Romero + German Otto Bodenbender
01 + Open the "MACAD-AIA-one_notebook_to_rule_them_all" code and open it using your Google Colab notebook. All the necessary instructions are commented there
02 + After you run it and created your city csv file, you can open the "MACAD-AIA-URBAN_VOIDS-K_MEANS" file to then cluster all the urban points based on the scores
03 + After that, you can send us the final csv file to then added onto the live map.