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Let's wifi admin

The Lets's wifi admin panel is a frontend panel where eduroam administrators can manage signed in users and configure realms.


Use docker compose up -d to create and build the development environment.

An entry in your hostsfile is still required for things to work. An example entry would look like: ibuildings.localhost

Getting started

In order to start the development environment, run docker compose up -d. This will build and start the containers that are used in development to run the application.

Install dependencies

docker compose exec app sh -c 'composer install'

docker compose exec app sh -c 'yarn install'

Install database and migrations

The main database tables can be obtained by downloading


To then import it from the file into the database use:

docker compose cp ./letswifi.mysql.sql database:/

docker compose exec app sh -c 'bin/console --env=dev doctrine:database:drop'

docker compose exec app sh -c 'bin/console --env=dev doctrine:database:create'

docker compose exec database sh -c 'mysql app < ./letswifi.mysql.sql' 

After that the migrations can be run by using:

docker compose exec app sh -c 'bin/console --env=dev doctrine:migrations:migrate'

The application is now up and running and can be accessed at https://ibuildings.localhost/. Note that in development the index.php front controller is used automatically, so you don't have to include /index.php/ in the URLs.

To get started with a default user with all admin rights (user:, password: super) load the following fixture into the contact table:

docker compose exec app sh -c 'bin/console --env=dev --append doctrine:fixtures:load'


For development, make sure that the main firewall is active (commented out by default in security.yaml)