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onnxruntime-numpy main branch build status

NumPy API with onnxruntime backend.


onnxruntime-numpy provides the same API as you would expect from NumPy, but all the execution happens using onnxruntime.

import onnxruntime_numpy as onp
X = onp.array([[1, 2, 3]])
w = onp.array([2, 4, 6])
b = onp.array([1])
y = X @ w + b

All computations are performed lazily, which means that in the example above y is only evaluated when its values are required (for example print(y) or looping through y).

This means that the operations with onp do not perform any computation, and these are all dispatched to onnxruntime. In fact, in the backend onp builds a ONNX graph that is then consumed by onnxruntime.

Currently it is only possible to build (some) neural networks to perform inference, but there are plans to enable neural network training using a grad function (and some additional helper functions).

The current implementation progress of the ONNX operators can be found here. Once this list is complete work will start to align the API closer to numpy and add all numpy functions that can be (trivially) implemented with ONNX operators.


The gradient framework is slowly progressing but unstable. The first iteration will have the same functionality as TensorFlow's GradientTape, but without the need to work explicitly with tape. Later iterations will refine this so that the user can compute Jacobian vector products and vector Jacobian products, take the gradient of functions rather than pass Tensors/Arrays to gradients (this will then be jitable) and compose grad functions (e.g. grad(grad(f))).

Currently, the plan is to have a simple example such as the one below working (due to lazy evaluation this is currently a bit unstable):

batch_size = 32
n_features = 1
epochs = 100
learning_rate = onp.array(0.01)

def relu(x):
    return np.maximum(0, x)

X = np.random.rand(batch_size, n_features).astype(np.float32)
y = X + (np.random.rand(batch_size, 1).astype(np.float32) / 10.)

w1 = np.random.rand(n_features, 64).astype(np.float32)
b1 = np.random.rand(64).astype(np.float32)

w2 = np.random.rand(64, 1).astype(np.float32)
b2 = np.random.rand(1).astype(np.float32)

X = onp.array(X)
y = onp.array(y)
w1 = onp.array(w1)
b1 = onp.array(b1)
w2 = onp.array(w2)
b2 = onp.array(b2)

for _ in range(epochs):
    result = onp.nn.relu(X @ w1 + b1)
    result = result @ w2 + b2

    loss = onp.square(result - y).mean()

    dw1, db1, dw2, db2 = onp.gradients(loss, [w1, b1, w2, b2])

    w1 += dw1 * learning_rate
    b1 += db1 * learning_rate
    w2 += dw2 * learning_rate
    b2 += db2 * learning_rate




  • Come up with a name!

  • Support all ONNX operators supported by onnxruntime

  • Design how classes are registered

  • Handle functions that return multiple (potentially optional) arrays (e.g. GRU/LSTM return last state and/or all hidden states)

  • Support all ONNX operator type/shape constraints

  • Design the minimum required utility functions to perform checks

  • Support all ONNX types that make sense with python

  • Support @jit decorator for graph caching

    # the correponding graph is generated once and cached
    def linear(X, w, b):
      return X @ w + b
    # expression is evaluated in every function call
    def linear_slow(X, w, b):
      return X @ w + b
  • Minimal (does not have to be efficient) grad and jacobian support

  • PRNG

  • Have clear strategy on how to align with onnxruntime releases

  • Should this library only support a single onnxruntime version in each release?

    • If not:
      • define how to register functions + version
  • Define to what extent and how to interact with onnxruntime

    • how to set the provider? Maybe try GPU, if not possible use CPU?
    • custom operators possible? if so how? (not required for pre-release, but should know if makes sense to accomodate this possibility)
    • how to set graph optimisation? always extended?
    • should it handle minimal builds? i.e. certain ops may not be available
  • Sort out CI

    • Azure pipelines?
    • Which platforms to support? Build against all of these?
  • Add ONNX graph visualisation. Maybe something like:

    import onnxruntime_numpy as onp
    def add(x, y):
      return x + y    
    # current design would require at least some dummy inputs here
    onp.display(add, x, y)


  • Support more operations composed of ONNX operators
  • I am looking at you obscure bessel functions needed for Matern kernel


Numpy-style API with onnxruntime backend







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