The purpose of the repository is to optimize the installation of pysc2 ( in Ubuntu 16.04.
You need to download and install anaconda distribution, select a python version >=3.5 (
You should upgrade and update the system:
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
$ sudo apt-get -y update
If you want you can run the next tasks:
- Download SC2LE packages:
- Linux packages 3.16.1
- Ladder 2017 Season 1
- Ladder 2017 Season 2
- Ladder 2017 Season 3
- Melee
- Replay packs (3.16.1 - Pack 1)
- mini games
- Extract and organize directories.
- Install sc2deeplearning environment:
- conda create -n sc2deeplearning python=3.5
- Packages for deep learning in sc2deeplearning environment
- conda install numpy
- conda install pandas
- conda install scikit-learn
- conda install matplotlib
- pip install tensorflow
- pip install --upgrade tensorflow
- pip install baselines
- pip install absl-py
- pip install pysc2
- Linkedin:
- Youtube:
It is necessary that the script can be executable, to ensure that we can run the script, we should put the next command:
$ sudo chmod u+x
Now we can run the following command:
$ ./