The latency meter tool will continuously curl to an HTTP endpoint and show the measured roundtrip time (or other metrics as desired).
There are two scripts provided:
: This script will continuous ping the URL provided (at the desired frequency) and the measured roundtrip time is continuously output as a since coloured meter (see below)
: This script will continuous ping the URL provided (at the desired frequency) and the measured roundtrip time is continuously output as a single column CSV file to stdout (you can redirect it into a file if you choose).
In addition, there is a helper script provided:
: You can modify this script to help to start a multi-pane tmux session logged into various ssh servers. From there you can run the latency meter on each one synchronous and inspect the differences (see screenshots below). [URL] [FREQUENCY] [URL] [FREQUENCY] [COUNT]
- URL:
- FREQUENCY: 1 (seconds)
- COUNT: 50 (iterations)
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