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Coconut: A Scalable Bottom-Up Approach for Building Data Series Indexes.

Original Paper:
Project: This is the database project for the COP5725 course taught by Dr.PhD.Peixiang Zhao for Fall @Florida State University.


  1. Project Description.
    • Disclaimer.
    • What is it about?
  2. File Structure
  3. How to run the code.
  4. Result.
  5. Collaborators.

1. Project Description

  • Disclaimer: The source code found in this project is a personal intepretation of the original implementation. The original implementation can be found in the authors' code repositories.
  • What is it about? C++ implementation of the Coconut architecture. The source code implementation generates the following:
    • sortable summarization of data series entries. (Index construction)
    • bulk-loads the sorted entries into the B+ Tree for querying (Querying).

2. File Structure

  - /class
    - Dataseries.h: Main Dataseries class. Coordinates between Indexing and Querying operations.
    - Indexing.h: Encapsulates methods related to Indexing operations (e.g.: SAX Summarization, Summarization + BTree construction).
    - Query.h: Encapsulates methods related to Query operations (e.g.: Exact Search, Similarity Search).
    - Sax.h: Encapsulates methods related to iSAX summarization (e.g.: zvaluecal, paacal, saxcal, and invertsax);
  - /external_lib
    - stdc++.h:
    - btree.h: `BTree` builder
  - /functions
    - menu.h: Display menu for Summarization and Query
    - utility.h: Conversion functions
  - /output
    - (Generated) summarization.txt: SAX representations of Raw Data Series
    - (Generated) timelog_*.txt: Query execution time log
  - input.txt (Raw dataseries input)
  - main.cpp (Main source code)
  - (Code Documentation)
  - (Generated) a.out: Binary executable


3. How to Run the code

1. Compile the main source code:
$ g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp
2. Run the program with the new compiled executable
$ ./a.out
3. The program consists of two main operations. Indexing and Querying.
Main Menu:
========== Coconut Menu ==========
== [0]: Indexing =================
== [1]: Query ====================
== [2]: Exit =====================
Enter choice:
4. Indexing:
  Raw dataseries input filepath [e.g.: input.txt]: input.txt
  opening input.txt...

  Performing SAX Summarization...
  ===== Coconut Summarization Output: =====
  [Output filename]: output/summarization.txt
  [Output log filename]: output/timelog_sax_summarization.txt

  Building BTree...
  ====== Coconut Summarization + BTree construction Output: ======
  [Total execution time]: 7.3e-05s
  [Output log filename]: output/timelog_btree.txt
  Enter [anykey] to continue...

  - Input:
    - Raw dataseries input file (e.g.: input.txt)
  - Output:
    - summarization.txt
    - timelog_btree.txt: Output of the Execution time to build the BTree.
    - timelog_sax_summarization.txt: Output of the Execution time to build the SAX Summarization.
4. Querying:
  ========= Coconut Query =========
  [e or E]: Exact Search
  [s or S]: Simiilarity Search
  [r or R]: Return to Main Menu
  Enter choice : e

  ========= Search Query =========
  == Description: Sequence ending with a #(pound) symbol
  == Example: 2 4 20 6 3 1 #
  Enter query: 10 20 30 40 50 5 4 26 #
  find the node!

  ===== Coconut Query Output: =====
  [Total execution time]: 0.000116s

  Enter [anykey] to continue...
  - Input:
    - Raw dataseries input file (e.g.: input.txt)
    - Summarization of the raw dataseries (e.g.: summarization.txt)
  - Output:
    - summarization.txt
    - timelog_btree.txt: Output of the Execution time to build the BTree.
    - timelog_sax_summarization.txt: Output of the Execution time to build the SAX Summarization.

4. Result

There are five test datasets for this program. They were all evaluated in regards to their speed performance in the Index construction (Summarization + BTree construction) and Querying w/ exact search.

Summary Table


Summary chart

  • =====> Index construction (Summarization + BTree construction): image

  • =========> Querying w/ Exact Search: image

[450MB test dataset - For Scalability test]
You need to download this generated dataset to perform tests.
I've uploaded a copy of the dataset into a public-url in my Google Drive.

Obs.: Make sure to increase your application array memory size.
      This dataset contains 202.000+ dataseries.
      Otherwise, the application will trigger Exceptions.

5. Collaborators

  • Giwoo G Lee. MSc student in Computer Science @Florida State University
    • Research
    • Development
    • Presentation


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