- Base system - EndeavourOS (Gnome) + Sway
- Wallpaper - https://wallhaven.cc/w/o3epj5
- Taskbar - Waybar
- Menus - Wofi
- Login Manager - GDM
- Screen Lock - swaylock-effects
Install EndevourOS, selecting sway from the community versions during the instalation.
# Default Shell
yay -S zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
# Core Apps
yay -S brave-bin sublime-text-4
# User Apps
yay -S spotify visual-studio-code-bin pcloud-drive steam goverlay nordvpn-bin
# yay -S libappindicator-gtk3 icu69
yay -S sway swaybg swayidle swaylock-effects kanshi wofi mako waybar otf-font-awesome
# Audio and Music shortcuts
yay -S pamixer
# Display configuration
yay -S wdisplays
# Bluetooth (utils and GUI)
yay -S blueberry
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service
# Remove default configs
rm -rf ~/.config/sway ~/.config/waybar ~/.config/kanshi ~/.config/wofi ~/.zshrc ~/.profile
# Clone repo into folder
mkdir ~/ws
git clone https://github.com/ggraca/configs.git ~/ws/configs
# Link configs
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/sway ~/.config/sway
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/waybar ~/.config/waybar
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/kanshi ~/.config/kanshi
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/wofi ~/.config/wofi
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/home/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
ln -s ~/ws/configs/2024-sway/home/.profile ~/.profile
Allow Bluetooth during the Login Manager:
- Uncomment
- Uncomment
Fix dual-boot issues:
Wayland easily detects external GPUs and outputs. However, be default, it will continue to use the integrated card as the main one.
This goes unnoticed until an app explicitly ask for GPU resources (e.g. chrome-based apps). In this scenario, the processing will happen in the eGPU, then the result is sent to the integrated card which in turn is sent back to the eGPU for rendering (if the monitors are connected to the eGPU). This leads to some noticeable lag.
The way to fix this is by initialising sway/wayland specifying the eGPU as the main card. Hotplug will not work though, we need to logout and login again to change that config.
- Create a new desktop entry in
(duplicate sway.desktop). - Change the Exec line to
Exec=env WLR_DRM_DEVICES=/dev/dri/card1:/dev/dri/card0 sway
A new entry should show as an option in the Login Manager. More info here
- Vscode won't detect the gnome keyring:
yay -S rbenv ruby-build
rbenv install -l
rbenv install 3.3.0
rbenv global 3.3.0
yay -S nodenv nodenv-node-build nodenv-nvmrc
nodenv -l
nodenv install 20.11.1
nodenv global 20.11.1
yay -S postgresql
sudo su - postgres
initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data
createuser --interactive
sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql
yay -S redis
sudo systemctl enable --now redis
- Specify Screenshot directory
- Enable Emojis in Chrome
- Unable to wake up from suspend (when connected to eGPU)
- Logout causes the system to suspend (when connected to eGPU)
- Unlock keyring at startup
- Use rofi instead of wofi for menus