Thank you for attending tonight's indyrb meetup.
Tonight's goal is to learn how to contribute to someone's project on GitHub. If you do not already have an account, please sign up.
Thank you everyone who already uses git for sitting through this.
My commands:
Add the output of this (your SSH public key) to Github under "Account Settings" -> "SSH Keys'
cat ~/.ssh/
Fork the other project to your own Github account and clone to work with locally
git clone git remote -v cd learngit/
Add a git remote for the upstream repository
git remote -v git remote add upstream git remote -v git pull upstream master
Create a topic/feature branch (so you aren't working off of master)
git checkout -b my_awesome_new_feature git branch
Edit some stuff and commit
vi vi git status git add git status git commit git status git log
Push your changes to your Github fork
git push origin my_awesome_new_feature
Go to Github and create a pull request from your commit
Wait for change to be merged in by original maintainer
Pull in merged changes
git checkout master git pull upstream master
Delete your local topic branch
git branch -d my_awesome_new_feature git log