This project focuses on replicating a Maze Runner Game. This project intends on establishing an interactive and entertaining game experience for all ages.
With technology advancing at a rapid pace, the price of laptops has increased, this can be hard for people who simply want to play games. Most games also require complex configuration, large download files and demand high specifications to run. I have designed a game that is easy to implement and run, which is also able to run on low specification hardware and most importantly… it is fun!
- The user will be prompted by a welcome screen
- The user will be asked to input the maze height and the maze width
- After inputting the information, the user will be greeted with a text regarding a character named Casey, which is a maze runner trapped in a maze. The user will be given instructions on how to play the game.
- After reading the instructions the user will need to press ENTER to continue onto the game
- A grid will then appear, where users can navigate around the grid trying to find the objective using arrow keys
- Information such as keys found, hint to the nearest key, the current visibility and health will be displayed
- Users will have limitations on where they can navigate to, when they hit a boundary of a wall they will be reminded that they cannot walk through a wall,
- As users move around the maze, their health deceases. All users start off with 250 health and duplicates for each move they make.
- Users would need to find 2 keys in order to get out of the maze.
- Note!: The larger the maze, the harder the game is
- Download the assignment project
- Open eclipse and set up a workplace
- Press file and import
- Direct the project to the assignment root folder. Press "next" and press "finish"
- Run the main package, a java window will open. Press on it which will allow you to use arrow keys as input