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File Insights
This page is under constant revision due to such an extensive file and attribute list, expect delays. Make requests
Here you can find information about different nodes, attributes, etc of files and the different options for them.
Tip: Right click the 💾 and press "Save Link as..." to download a template/skeleton file to help faster mod creation. Make sure to fill out with appropriate information. Make sure to save the file as a .lsx file.
Tip: To open a file in a new tab, use the middle mouse button or hold Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) and click the 💾 icon.
General Knowledge⬆️
Use : Metadata for your mod. All .paks need a meta.lsx file
Use: Base classes information. When creating a new class, this is most likely where to start.
BaseHp : The base health of the class. Your character's class seems to be this plus 1 though FYI?
Any integer
CharacterCreationPose : A UUID value that must point to some asset of your character posing on character creation. Typically use a default one unless you plan to make a new pose which would be alot more work than worth.
UUID which must link to some asset (TODO)
ClassEquipment : Determines the default equipment for the class upon creation.
Some string relating to your class equipment asset (TODO)
ClassHotbarColumns : Specifies the number of hotbar columns available for the characters class abiities, typically 5 (althought it gives 6 ingame)?
Any integer, suggest 5
CommonHotbarColumns : Specifies the number of hotbar columns available for the characters common abiities, typically 9 (althought it gives 8 ingame)?
Any integer, suggest 9
Description : Description seen when your class is selected on creation.
DisplayName : Display name of the class in game menus.
HpPerLevel : Amount of health points gained per level.
Any integer
ItemsHotbarColumns : Specifies the number of hotbar columns available for the characters items, typically 2
Any integer, suggest 2
LearningStrategy : Determines how the class learns abilities, not to sure? (TODO)
0,1, or 2 i believe are the options
Name : Name of your class.
PrimaryAbility : Indicates the primary ability for the class.
Integer 1 to 6
ProgressionTableUUID : UUID for the progression table of the class.
SoundClassType : The type of sound linked with the class.
SpellCastingAbility : Indicates the ability score used for spellcasting.
Integer 1 to 6
UUID : Unique identifier for the class.
HasGod : Specifies whether the class has a deity.
MulticlassSpellcasterModifier : Modifier applied when multiclassing with spellcasting classes.
MustPrepareSpells : Determines if the class needs to prepare spells before casting.
ParentGuid : UUID of the parent class (for subclasses).
SpellList : UUID of the list of spells available to the class.
Use : Determines what sort of things (passives, spells, etc) your class gets at certain progressions ie. levels
Level :
Any integer
Name :
String of your class name
PassivesAdded :
String of the passive name
ProgressionType :
Any integer
Selectors :
AddSpells() SelectSkills() SelectSpells()(TODO check) SelectPassives() SelectAbilityBonus()
TableUUID :
- Description: The base health of the class. In-game, this appears to be the base value plus one.
- Type: Integer
(In-game displays as 11)
- Description: A UUID pointing to an asset of your character's pose at creation. Use a default unless creating a new pose.
- Type: UUID
- Description: Determines the default equipment for the class upon creation.
- Type: String
- Description: Specifies the number of hotbar columns for class abilities, typically 5 (but gives 6 in-game).
- Type: Integer
Im a newbie at this trying to help other newbies so please be patient with any errors in this guide. If you see anything wrong or confusing, feel free to email me at ghostboats2895@gmail.com (rarely check this so instead you should message on discord) or message me on discord. Big shoutout to Padme4000's guide on youtube for getting me started with modding, The Community Library Team and their wiki, and the bg modding community over at the larion discord for helping me get started.