A set of helpers and extensions for C# programming.
Install-Package HelperSharp
Install-Package HelperSharp.Mvc
Install-Package HelperSharp.WebApi
- CurrencyHelper
- IsValidIsoCurrencySymbol: determines if is valid ISO currency symbol.
- EnumerableHelper
- AreEqual<T>: verify if collections are equal comparing each item. Order is considered.
- CalculateHashCode: calculates the hash code using all items.
- ExceptionHelper
- ThrowIfNull: throws an ArgumentNullException if argument is null.
- ThrowIfNullOrEmpty: throws an ArgumentNullException if argument is null or an ArgumentException if string is empty.
- ExpressionHelper
- GetMemberExpression: gets a member expression from the expression.
- GravatarHelper
- GetAvatarUrl: gets the avatar URL for the specified e-mail.
- MD5Helper
- Encrypt: encrypt the specified string using MD5 algorithm.
- IsEncrypted: check if the specified string is encrypted using MD5.
- ObjectHelper
- IsNullOrDefault<T>: check if argument is null or default value of T type.
- CreateShallowCopy: creates a shallow copy of the specified source.
- ReflectionHelper
- GetProperty: gets the property with the specified name.
- GetPropertyValue: gets the property's value.
- InvokeMethod: invokes the method with the specified parameters.
- GetSubclassesOf: gets the subclasses of the specified type.
- ArrayExtensions
- RemoveDuplicates<T>: removes the duplicates items from array.
- CharExtensions
- HasAccent: determines if char is an accent
- ConvertibleExtensions
- To<T>: converts the type to specified T.
- DateTimeExtensions
- GetBeginOfDay: gets the begin of day.
- GetBeginOfMonth: gets the begin of month.
- GetEndOfDay: gets the end of day.
- GetEndOfMonth: gets the end of month.
- EnumerableExtensions
- Each: iterates in the collection calling the action for each item.
- GetTypes: gets the types of the specified objects.
- ToString: iterates in the collection calling the action for each item and concatenating the result.
- NameValueCollectionExtensions
- GetBoolean: gets a boolean value with the specified name.
- GetInt32: gets a integer value with the specified name.
- GetSingle: gets a single (float) value with the specified name.
- StringExtensions
- GetWordFromIndex: gets the word in the specified index.
- CountWords: counts the words.
- RemoveAccents: removes the accents
- RemoveNonAlphanumeric: removes the non alphanumeric chars.
- RemoveNonNumeric: removes the non numeric chars.
- RemoveFromBorders: removes the speficied string from borders.
- RemovePunctuations: removes the punctuations.
- EscapeAccentsToHex: escapes the accents to hexadecimal equivalent.
- EscapeAccentsToHtmlEntities: escapes the accents to html entities.
- EndsWithPunctuation: verify if source ends the with punctuation.
- HasAccent: determines if has accent.
- InsertUnderscoreBeforeUpperCase: Inserts the underscore before every upper case char.
- With: format the specified string. Is a String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,..) shortcut.
- Capitalize: capitalize the string.
- ContainsIgnoreCase: returns a value indicating whether the specified substring occurs within this string.
- ControllerHelper
- GetControllerTypes: gets all concrete controller types.
- GetActionsDescriptors: gets all actions descriptors of the controller.
- ByteExtensions
- SendOverHttp: send the byte array content over HTTP current response.
- HttpRequestMessageExtensions
- IsLocal: check if is a local request.
Licensed under the The MIT License (MIT). In others words, you can use this library for developement any kind of software: open source, commercial, proprietary and alien.