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Reproduce results of continuous SAC in `mujoco` environments


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Reproduce results from Continuous SAC paper.

This repo is based on several SAC implementations, mainly Stable-Baselines3, author's implementation and SAC-Continuous-Pytorch.


After cloning the repo, install requirements by running

pip install -r requirements.txt

or it can be installed with pip

pip install git+

How to run

python --env_name HalfCheetah-v4 --total_env_step 1000000 --buffer_size 1000000 --actor_log_std_min -20 --batch_size 256 --eval_interval 5000 --critic_tau 0.005 --alpha_lr 3e-4 --num_layers 3 --critic_lr 3e-4 --actor_lr 3e-4 --init_temperature 1 --hidden_dim 256 --reward_scale .2 --train_freq 1 --gradient_steps 1

Some benchmark environments from gym, for example mujoco or RacingCar and LunarLanderContinuous, need to be installed separately from by pip install gymnasium[mujoco] or pip install gymnasium[box2d].

It can also be run from terminal by the following command from the entry point, if installed by

sac_continuous --env_name HalfCheetah-v4 --total_env_step 1_000_000


Most of the experiments used the same hyper-parameters shown in the table. Set seed to -1 to use random seed every run.

Hyper params Value Hyper params Value
reward_scale 1.0 critic_lr 0.0003
buffer_size 1000000 critic_tau 0.005
start_step 1000 actor_lr 0.0003
total_env_step 1000000 actor_log_std_min -20.0
batch_size 256 actor_log_std_max 2
hidden_dim 256 num_layers 3
gradient_steps 1 discount 0.99
train_freq 1 init_temperature 0.2
eval_interval 5000 alpha_lr 0.0003
num_eval_episodes 10 seed -1



Here are some critical minor implementation details but are crucial to achieve the desired performance

  • Handle done separately by truncation and termination. SAC performs much worse in some environment when we do not correctly implement this (about 2k rewards in difference in Half-Cheetah).
  • Using ReLU activation function slightly increases the performance, compared to using Tanh. I suspect that the three layer Tanh Activation network are not powerful enough to learn the value function of tasks with high reward range like Mujoco.
  • Using eps=1e-5 in Adam Optimizer does not provide any significant boost as suggested in stable-baselines3.
  • Initial temperature of alpha (entropy coefficient) can largely impact the final performance (than one might expect). In Half-Cheetah, alpha starting with the values of 0.2 and 1 can yield a gap ~ 1-2k in final performance.
  • Changing actor_log_std_min from -20 to -10 can sometimes reduce the performance, but this might not be consistent through out seeds


Reproduce results of continuous SAC in `mujoco` environments







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