My personal dotfiles. In my opinion, dotfiles are NOT meant to be forked. That being said, this repository contains lots of useful things (shell functions, scripts, gitconfig) that you can add to your personal setup. As such, I encourage anyone that thinks these dotfiles look useful to try to understand them first and then copy the parts that stand out to them.
Download this repository.
git clone --recursive
Run the install script.
cd dotfiles
You can update with the provided update function.
βββ clang <- clang-format and clangd config
βββ git <- Git configuration files (aliases, custom formatting, etc.)
βββ bin <- Personal scripts
βββ ssh <- SSH config file
βββ manifest <- Brewfile
βββ vscode <- VS Code configuration and extensions list
βββ term <- Zsh/Starship configuration
These dotfiles were inspired by Anish Athalye's dotfiles, and this repository uses Dotbot for installation.