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@giganano giganano released this 11 Feb 02:13
· 20 commits to v1.3.x since this release

Changelog entries for this release:


  • vice.mlr
    Additional options for the stellar mass-lifetime relation (MLR).

    • vice.mlr.powerlaw : function
      The single power-law formulation assumed in previous versions.

    • vice.mlr.vincenzo2016 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Vincenzo et al. (2016), MNRAS, 460, 2238

    • vice.mlr.hpt2000 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Hurley, Pols & Tout (2000), MNRAS, 315, 543

    • vice.mlr.ka1997 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Kodama & Arimoto (1997), A&A, 320, 41

    • vice.mlr.pm1993 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Padovani & Matteucci (1993), ApJ, 416, 26

    • vice.mlr.mm1989 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Maeder & Meynet (1989), A&A, 210, 155

    • vice.mlr.larson1974 : function
      The MLR parameterized by Larson (1974), MNRAS, 166, 585

    • vice.mlr.setting : str
      A string denoting which of the above functions to adopt as the current
      setting determining the MLR in all chemical evolution models and
      single stellar population calculations.

    • vice.mlr.recognized : tuple
      Contains the strings denoting allowed values for vice.mlr.setting.

  • vice.yields.agb.ventura13
    New set of theoretically predicted asymptotic giant branch star yields
    compiled from the following set of papers:

    • Ventura et al. (2013), MNRAS, 431, 3642 (Z = 0.0003, 0.008)
    • Ventura et al. (2014), MNRAS, 437, 3274 (Z = 0.004)
    • Ventura et al. (2018), MNRAS, 475, 2282 (Z = 0.014)
    • Ventura et al. (2020), A&A, 641, A103 (Z = 0.04)

    These tables also include unpublished yields from the same author at
    progenitor metallicities of Z = 0.001 and 0.002.

  • vice.yields.agb.karakas16
    New set of theoretically predicted asymptotic giant branch star yields
    compiled from Karakas & Lugaro (2016), ApJ, 825, 26 and Karakas et al.
    (2018), MNRAS, 477, 421. The Karakas & Lugaro (2016) tables provide yields
    for progenitor metallicities of Z = 0.007, 0.014, and 0.03, while the
    Karakas et al. (2018) tables provide them for Z = 0.0028, a metallicity
    appropriate for stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.

  • vice.yields.sneia.gronow21
    New set of theoretically predicted type Ia supernova yields compiled from
    Gronow et al. (2021a), A&A, 649, 155 and Gronow et al. (2021b),
    arxiv:2103.14050. These studies report yields for double detonations of
    sub-Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs at various progenitor metallicities.
    The Gronow et al. (2021a) study reports yields for white dwarf progenitors
    of solar metallicity, while Gronow et al. (2021b) report them for
    Z / Zsun = 0.01, 0.1, and 3.

  • vice.primordial
    Primordial abundance of helium updated from 0.24672 to 0.24721 based on the
    findings of Pitrou et al. (2021), MNRAS, 502, 2474.

  • Command-Line Functionality
    When running vice --tutorial from the command line (or equivalently,
    python -m vice --tutorial), VICE first attempts to download the
    examples/QuickStartTutorial.ipynb jupyter notebook to the install directory,
    and then launches it locally. If it cannot download the notebook, it will
    launch a previously downloaded version if it has one. In the event that no
    local copy exists and it cannot be downloaded, it will raise a


  • Addressed single timestep level bug in elemental accretion rate from
    primordial gas affecting models ran in star formation and gas modes.