UPDATE: I have since ported this app to Python. The new app features a more secure solution for storing the user's API key.
Simple web app that keeps track of things the average GW2 player cares about. I wrote this to practice working with Node.js and APIs so there may be some (hopefully temporary) rookie mistakes or suboptimal code herein.
- Accepts a GW2 public API key and stores it as a signed cookie (30 days) for convenience.
- Keeps track of daily PVE, PVP, WVW, and Fractal daily achievements (both current day and the next).
- Keeps track of users' Griffon mount achievement progress (other mounts coming soon).
- Users can search through the following, with results displayed in real time:
- Trading post history (bought and sold) for a given account.
- Current trading post orders (buy and sell).
- Given account's bank inventory.
- View a given account's:
- Wallet info (Gold, karma, map currencies, etc.)
- Unlocked dyes
- Unlocked crafting recipes
- Current orders now alert the user if they have been undercut or outbid.
- 'Item', 'currency' and 'achievement' details (name, id, icon URL, etc.) are now stored in a database, which avoids sending unnecessary requests and results in ~20% faster page loading for the current market listings page (and up to ~50% faster for some other pages).
- Add ability to calculate expected profit and/or ROI for an item based on buy price, sell price and listing/exchange fees.
- More mount progress trackers (possibly more achievements as well).
- Add some logic to suggest high volume/margin items to flip.
- Add ability to view a given character's stored talent builds.
- Add crafting calculator to view recipes with material cost + profit estimates.
- More account stats!