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Powershell module to use Windows 8+ and 2012+ Password Vault


If you have PowerShellGet installed just run:

Install-Module Posh-Vault

If not, copy the following line and paste it in a Powershell:

Start-BitsTransfer $env:TEMP ; & $env:TEMP\Install.ps1

The following options are accepted:

  • -Path
    Contains the path where Posh-VPN will be installed.
    When this parameter is not present, the module will be installed in WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Posh-VPN under the user's documents.
    In general, you will not need this parameter as the default folder gets automatically added in the list of folders where Powershell searches for modules and loads them.
    Default: None
  • -Verbose Acts verbosely
  • -WhatIf Shows what would be done


Due to limitations in the PasswordVault API, only the Web Credentials are accessible.


To set credentials:

PS> Set-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite -User gildas -Password 's3cr3t'

It is also possible to use a PSCredential object:

PS> $creds = Get-Credential ACME\gildas
PS> Set-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite -Credential $creds

To get some credentials:

PS> $creds = Get-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite -User gildas

To get all credentials for a resource:

PS> Get-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite | Format-Table -AutoSize

To get all credentials for a user:

PS> Get-VaultCredential -User gildas | Format-Table -AutoSize

To remove some credentials:

PS> Remove-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite -User gildas

or with PSCredential:

PS> Remove-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite -Credential $creds

To remove all credentials for a resource:

PS> Remove-VaultCredential -Resource https://mysite

To remove all credentials for a user:

PS> Remove-VaultCredential -User gildas


Gildas Cherruel