This project is based on the second programming assignment of Hinton's Coursera course Neural Networks for Machine Learning. The original code is written in MATLAB/Octave. Since I find this example elegent for showing how deep learning works, I rewrite the code with C from scratch and call it WordNet (without Hinton's permission). For such a teaching purpose, the code doesn't have a GPU mode or a good performance in terms of memory or CPU usage, and currently I have no plan for optimization.
Basically, WordNet reads three consecutive words and predict the fourth word. The layout of WordNet is defined as
For more technical details, please read Slides.pdf
Building the project is quite simple since it only relies on the standard C
libs. If your building tool chain is properly configured, you may simply modify
the following lines in src/makefile
with your compiler and header include path:
CC = clang
INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include/c++/v1 -I/Applications/
and type
make forward load=model9-3000.bin
to interact with a console UI doing inference with the pre-trained model
. If everything goes well, you'll see
> make forward load=model9-3000.bin
./wordnet forward model9-3000.bin
# Load all data
# Load model: model9-3000.bin
## Model Info
Mini-batch size = 100
Layer 1 Neurons = 50
Layer 2 Neurons = 200
Training epochs = 9
Early stop @ iteration = 3000
Momentum = 0.900000
Learning rate = 0.100000
Verify per iteration = 2147483647
Raw training data rows = 372550
Raw validation data rows = 46568
Raw test data rows = 46568
Raw data columns = 4
Input dimension = 3
Vocabulary size = 250
##------Interactive UI------##
[... here lists the vocabulary.]
|Input first 3 words > have a good
have a good
*Top 5 = 1.time(0.332076) 5.year(0.041762)
|Choose a number (default = 1)>
Of course, this project also covers codes for training:
./wordnet info model.bin | Show info of pretrained model.
./wordnet train model.bin | Train from scratch and save model.
./wordnet train pretrain.bin model.bin | Read pretrained data, finetune it, & save model.
./wordnet forward pretrain.bin | Read pretrained data and do inferences.
make info load=model.bin
make train save=model.bin
make train load=pretrain.bin save=model.bin
make forward load=pretrain.bin