Implementation of a rudimentary DBMS where server and clients interact with a central database
There are 8 shell scripts. In order to test and run the DBMS, it’s highly suggested to open two terminal windows, and run in one and in another. The following is to be taken as a suggested procedure to run the whole system:
Step 1) run the server script will enter an infinite loop to keep it running, waiting for user requests and executing all the legal ones in the background.
Step 2) run followed by a client id number in a separate terminal tab/window to enter commands. The scripts enter then an infinite loop to continuously accept legal requests from the user.
Available commands to be run at client-side:
create_database requires an argument as db folder name to be created
create_table: requires 3 arguments —> db directory valid name, table valid name and column names to be generated (comma-separated).
E.g.:database1 table1 col1,col2,col3
insert requires 3 arguments —> db directory valid name, table valid name, tuple values to insert in existing columns.
E.g.:database1 table1 value1,value2.value3
query if user enters 2 arguments it prints the corresponding table as a whole. If user inputs 3 arguments (db name, table name, column numbers to display) it displays the corresponding columns by numbers including headers.
E.g.:database1 table1 2,3