This gem is a port of the markdown-it Javascript package by Vitaly Puzrin and Alex Kocharin. Currently synced with markdown-it 8.3.2
- Follows the CommonMark spec + adds syntax extensions & sugar (URL autolinking, typographer).
- Configurable syntax! You can add new rules and even replace existing ones.
- Safe by default.
Table of content
composer install kaoken/markdown-it-php
$md = new MarkdownIt();
$result = $md->render('# markdown-it rulezz!');
Single line rendering, without paragraph wrap:
$md = new MarkdownIt();
$result = $md->renderInline('__markdown-it__ rulezz!');
(*) presets define combinations of active rules and options. Can be
, "zero"
or "default"
(if skipped).
// commonmark mode
$md = new MarkdownIt('commonmark');
// default mode
$md = new MarkdownIt();
// enable everything
$md = new MarkdownIt([
"html"=> true,
"linkify"=> true,
"typographer"=> true
// full options list (defaults)
$md = new MarkdownIt([
"html"=> false, // Enable HTML tags in source
"xhtmlOut"=> false, // Use '/' to close single tags (<br />).
// This is only for full CommonMark compatibility.
"breaks"=> false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into <br>
"langPrefix"=> 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks. Can be
// useful for external highlighters.
"linkify"=> false, // Autoconvert URL-like text to links
// Enable some language-neutral replacement + quotes beautification
"typographer"=> false,
// Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled,
// and smartquotes on. Could be either a String or an Array.
// For example, you can use '«»„“' for Russian, '„“‚‘' for German,
// and ['«\xA0', '\xA0»', '‹\xA0', '\xA0›'] for French (including nbsp).
"quotes"=> '“”‘’',
// Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML,
// or '' if the source string is not changed and should be escaped externaly.
// If $result starts with <pre... internal wrapper is skipped.
"highlight"=> function (/*str, lang*/) { return ''; }
$md = new MarkdownIt()
->plugin(plugin2, opts, ...)
Apply syntax highlighting to fenced code blocks with the highlight
The sample here is only the highlight of the PHP language.
// Actual default values
$md = new MarkdownIt([
"highlight"=> function ($str, $lang) {
if ( $lang ) {
try {
return highlight_string($str);
} catch (__) {}
return ''; // use external default escaping
Or with full wrapper override (if you need assign class to <pre>
// Actual default values
$md = new MarkdownIt([
"highlight"=> function ($str, $lang) {
if ( $lang ) {
try {
return '<pre class="hljs"><code>' .
highlight_string($str) .
} catch (__) {}
return '<pre class="hljs"><code>' . $md->utils->escapeHtml($str) . '</code></pre>';
linkify: true
uses linkify-it. To
configure linkify-it, access the linkify instance through $md->linkify
$md->linkify->tlds('.py', false); // disables .py as top level domain
Embedded (enabled by default):
- Tables (GFM)
- Strikethrough (GFM)
The following plugins are in the kaoken\markdown-it-php\MarkdownIt\Plugins directory:
- subscript
- superscript
- footnote
- definition list
- abbreviation
- emoji
- custom container
- insert
- mark
By default all rules are enabled, but can be restricted by options. On plugin load all its rules are enabled automatically.
// Activate/deactivate rules, with curring
$md = (new MarkdownIt())
->disable([ 'link', 'image' ])
->enable([ 'link' ])
// Enable everything
$md = new MarkdownIt([
"html" => true,
"linkify" => true,
"typographer" => true,
Thanks to the authors of the original implementation in Javascript, markdown-it:
- Alex Kocharin github/rlidwka
- Vitaly Puzrin github/puzrin
and to John MacFarlane for his work on the CommonMark spec and reference implementations.
Related Links:
- - reference CommonMark implementations in C & JS, also contains latest spec & online demo.
- - CommonMark forum, good place to collaborate developers' efforts.