Proof of Concept for an up to date information system map based on neo4j
"At a time when cyberattacks are growing in number and complexity, it is necessary for organizations to develop a general risk management strategy. As part of an overall approach, mapping is a key tool in keeping control over the information system. It provides insight into all of the information system’s components and a clearer picture of the IS by presenting it from different angles." French Cybersecurity Agency
Knowing public and private resources and having a list of every physical and numeric component in our information system is a key tool to build up our cybersecurity strategy.
The aim is to have a list of these entities and their relations:
- Organizations and their people related to our information system
- Offices and their networks
- Collaborators and partners and their access to tools and resources (computers, SaaS tooling, servers, etc.)
- Production and development infrastructures, their providers, integrations and accesses
- Tooling used by teams, its accesses and integrations
The main issue is to maintain this map up to date.
The main idea is to publish it with a proper access management with:
- A browser client to easily rw data
- A CLI with prepared queries to facilitate CRUD operations
- A proper strong versioning and backup system
The overall goal beyond strategic decisions is to provide incident responders a quick and clean data in case of cyber crisis to facilitate their work:
- Having prepared queries for quickly fetch infected resource relations (by resource type, relation type, etc.)
- Export in expandable formats (to be define)
- Emergency deployment without personal data for responder quick access if needed
Clear text files:
- Documentation, licence and dotfiles
: encrypt/decrypt data sources
Encrypted files:
: encrypted data sources
- Clone repository:
git clone
cd ism
chmod +x scripts/
- Encryption:
# Requires ISM_ENCRYPTION_KEY in the environment. It can be in a .env file
./scripts/ -e
- Decryption:
# Requires ISM_ENCRYPTION_KEY in the environment. It can be in a .env file
./scripts/ -d
- Run:
# Binds a volume with local ./database to persist database
docker compose up -d
# deploys a neo4j browser available at
# default credentials are neo4j:password but can be overwritten with NEO4J_USERNAME NEO4J_PASSWORD
- Migrate:
docker exec <container id/name> cypher-shell -f /tmp/data/database.cypher -u "$NEO4J_USERNAME" -p "$NEO4J_PASSWORD"
A precommit git hook is defined to encrypt last data
folder changes
- Fetch all data:
MATCH (n)-[r]->(m), RETURN n,r,m
- Delete all data: