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JSON-configurable set of tools to generate statistical realizations of typical GERDA energy spectra. The gerda-factory program allows to take into account (randomly) generic energy-dependent deformations, and therefore can be useful for studies of systematic uncertainties.


  1. compile the project by running make at the top of the directory tree. The only external dependency is ROOT.
  2. acquire the official GERDA PDFs:
    cd data
  3. write a JSON config file (examples under config/, see last section for a brief explanation of the syntax)
  4. run gerda-fake-gen <json-file> to generate a random experiment


  1. compile the project by running make at the top of the directory tree.
  2. acquire the official GERDA PDFs:
    cd data
  3. compute distortion functions from the different PDF versions:
    cd data
  4. write a JSON config file (examples under config/*-systematics.json, see next section for a brief explanation of the syntax)
  5. run gerda-factory <json-file> to generate a set of random experiments with random distortion functions applied

Config files

The JSON config file for the gerda-fake-gen program begins with some general settings:

    "id" : "phIIAfterLAr",  // model name
    "logging" : "info",     // verbosity level, choose between {debug, detail, info, warning, error}
    "output" : {  // output settings
        "file" : "../results/phIIAfterLAr-exp-pool.root:object_name",  // output filename (and ROOT object name)
        "number-of-bins" : 8000,
        "xaxis-range" : [0, 8000]
    "range-for-counts" : [565, 2000],  // histogram range in which the number of counts specified in the following
                                       // should be considered
    "gerda-pdfs" : "../data/gerda-pdfs/gerda-pdfs-latest",  // default value for the location of the GERDA PDFs
    "hist-name" : "M1_enrBEGe",  // default name of the histogram to be searched for in the ROOT files

then a large section follows to configure the generation model, where everything about each component can be specified in a modular fashion:

    "components" : [  // here you must specify a list of PDFs you want to use
        { ... }, { ... }, ...

The "components" array specifies a list of components (PDFs). The array is filled with JSON objects that can be of multiple types. This special syntax is the same employed in the gerda-fitter project.

As instance, one might want to use the GERDA PDFs distributed within gerda-mage-sim using the following structure:

{  // this is an object in the "components" array presented above
    "gerda-pdfs" : "../data/gerda-pdfs/v1.0"  // the gerda-pdfs path might be set here to override the global one
    "part": "cables/cables_all",
    "components" : { // list of components from the 'cables/cables_all' part
        "Th228-cables" : {  // the key isn't very important, but please choose a unique name!
            "isotope" : { "Tl208-lar" : 0.3539, "Bi212-lar" : 1 },  // specify a mixture of isotopes
            "amount-cts" : 666  // say here how many counts do you want to sample from the PDF
                                // (NB: remember the "range-for-counts" parameter above
        "Co60-cables" : {
            "isotope": "Co60-lar", // no mixture here
{  // this is an object in the "components" array presented above
    "part": {  // you can also specify a mixture of parts!
        "cables/cables_all" : 0.2,
        "cables/hv_cables"  : 0.8,
    "components" : { ... }

or even provide manually a ROOT histogram:

    "root-file" : "../data/gerda-pdfs/gerda-pdfs-latest/alphas/analytic/pdf-functions.root",
    "components" : {
        "alpha-offset" : {
            "hist-name" : "flat",
            "amount-cts" : 23

Additional configs for gerda-factory

The gerda-factory program needs distorting functions as input, therefore an additional JSON block "pdf-distortions" must be present in the config file. The syntax is the following:

    "pdf-distortions" : {
        "prefix" : "../data/distortions",  // global prefix where the files/folders will be searched for
        "global" : {  // category of distortions that should be applied on all the components
                      // the structure of the folders must be organized in the same way as the GERDA PDFs
                      // releases and the name of the histogram must match
            "distortion-type1" : {  // set the deformation type (not important)
                "pdfs" : [
                    "folder1",  // list here the folder names
                "interpolate": true  // can randomly reduce the magnitude of the distortion
                                     // by mixing it with the unitary distortion. must be used
                                     // with care, please see note below
        "specific" : {  // category of distortions that have to be applied to single components
            "component1"  : { "pdfs" : [ "file1.root" ] }, // the name of the component must be listed also in the
                                                           // list of model components above!
            "component2" : {
                "pdfs" : [
                    "file2.root:objname",  // single ROOT file with eventual object name
                "interpolate" : true,

Note: interpolation is performed with respect to the unitary distortion. In practice, after randomly selecting a distortion from a certain group, an additional random number w is drawn from a uniform distribution in [0,1]. This number is used to weight the distortion D together with the unitary distortion U according to the following expression:

    pdf' = pdf * [ w * D + (1-w) * U ]

As a raccommendation, use interpolation only when the test statistic distribution assumes unexpected shapes (i.e. peaks), otherwise keep the option off.

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