Hello and welcome to our Software Enginerring team project. Over a three month period we have been working on developing a 3D Simulated Printer that not only meets our class requirement, but will also assist in the future learning and comprehension of 3D printers to anyone who views this project. We look forward to see what more you do with this code in the future. — Southern Adventist University School of Computing CPTR-309 Team 2
- Windows 7 or higher
- Visual Studio 2015 or higher
- Setup Github
- Expand knowledge on C#
- Weekly backlogs and burndown charts
- Host-to-Firmware Communications Procedure
- Firmware-to-Host Communications Procedure
- Calculate Checksum Functions
- Read in GCode file to Program.cs
- Determine future classes to implement into 3D Sim project
- GcodeLine()
- GcodeTemp()
- GcodeCmd()
- Start Documentation
- Weekly backlogs and burndown charts
- Implement Firmware Commands and Calling Low-level APIs in Firmware
- Implement Calling StepStepper
- Implement Calling ResetStepper
- Implement RemoveModelFromPrinter
- Implement Calling SetLaser
- Implement Calling MoveGalvos
- Z-Rail Controller
- Limit Switch
- Stepper Motor Speed
- Incorporate Integration
- Integrate Communications Protocol
- Testing of Communications Procedure
- Complete Project
- Complete Documentation
- Weekly backlogs and burndown charts
This software is released under the terms of the GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See license.