- You can create a free Repl.it account and launch this assignment there by clicking the "Run on Repl.it" button above.
- You can download this assignment, put it in the "htdocs" folder inside your XAMPP folder, and run it locally with XAMPP.
- ...or any PHP server you want to use will also work.
- The problems are listed at the top of the index.php file.
- You will want to view the generated web page as you complete the code problems.
- Note: PHP will require you to manually refresh the page to apply your changes.
- If you are running the project locally with XAMPP, direct your browser to: localhost/inf653_php_practice01/ ..just an example path.
Once you are working with your own copy of this assignment...
Complete the problems listed at the top of the index.php file according to the instructions given in the comments.
DO NOT CHANGE any of the pre-existing code except where your output should go in index.php - this includes any other files.
Did you miss some?
It's ok. Go back and make corrections. Then check your score again!
DO NOT COPY - Avoid plagiarism and adhere to the spirit of this Academic Honesty Policy.