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Mehdi Achour edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 1 revision

This section will help you set up your local environment and start working on GitPoint!

If this is your first experience with React Native, we recommend that you go through React Native Guide to get more information about this environment.

Do not hesitate to let us know if you face any difficulties, we all started one day, and we will be more than happy to set you on the right track! ❤️

Setting up your fork

  1. Fork the GitPoint repository on GitHub
  2. Clone your fork locally:
git clone
  1. Add the upstream
git remote add upstream
  1. Sync and merge from upstream When a change is made in GitPoint repository, here's how to sync your fork:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

Running GitPoint

Install & link the dependencies:

yarn             # install dependencies
yarn run link    # link react-native dependencies

You can then run the app either on iOS or Android, with or without the Redux Logger or Reactotron.

Command Description
yarn start Runs the RN packager
yarn start:ios Runs the RN packager & build and runs in the iOS simulator
yarn start:ios:logger Same as yarn start:ios + boots the application with redux-logger
yarn start:ios:tron Same as yarn start:ios + boots the application with Reactotron

In all of the above, you can replace ios by android to run the application on the Android platform.


If you happen to see an error like below when you try to run the application:

error: bundling: UnableToResolveError: Unable to resolve module `config` from `/Users/frankdilo/projects/git-point/App.js`: Module does not exist in the module map or in these directories:
  1. Please try running yarn start -- --reset-cache and then yarn run ios in a separate terminal window
  2. If that doesn't solve it, try the following commands:
    • Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all.
    • Delete the node_modules folder: rm -rf node_modules && yarn.
    • Reset packager cache: rm -fr $TMPDIR/react-* or yarn start -- --reset-cache.
  3. If that sill doesn't solve it, please open an issue so we can figure out why it's not working for you

oAuth keys

The CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET defined in api/index.js are for development purposes only and do not represent the actual application keys.

Feel free to use them or use a new set of keys by creating an OAuth application of your own.

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