- Automation framework leveraging
- Playwright JS
- Page Object model Concept
- Data-Driven Concept
- Keyword Drien Concept
- Allure Report
- KISS & Dry, SOLID, Clean Code Principle
- Reusability, Scalability
- Install Latest version of NodeJS
- Install Java and Configure environment variable (this only for Allure report)
- Install VS Code or any other editor or you can execute it from the CMD command prompt or Terminal
- Clone Project > [GitHub Repo(git@github.com:gits5213/netlifyAppUIAutomation.git)
- Open with VS Code
- Create a file (.env.secret) file on your project root
- Add Credential (For now I am adding it, only for instruction purposes)
- USERNAME=admin
- PASSWORD=password123
- Add Credential (For now I am adding it, only for instruction purposes)
- Runs the end-to-end tests in a headless mode.
- CMD/Terminal > Project root > npm run test
- Runs the end-to-end tests in a headed (Browser) mode.
- CMD/Terminal > Project root > npm run browser
- If all the tests are passing or failing it doesn't matter
- CMD/Terminal > Project Root > npm run post-test on the terminal
- Configured CI (Github action) based on each push build
- It will automatically execute an automation regression suite based on each push, it will generate an allure report and deploy the allure report to the GitHub page (github.io host)
- Configured CI (Github action) nightly build
- It will automatically execute the automation regression suite overnight, it will generate an allure report, and deploy the allure report to the GitHub page (github.io host)
- Navigate to the Repogitory
- Right side > Under the About section
- Click on the GitHub page Link, The Link will update with each trigger on the build and save the Result's history.
- Right side > Under the About section