wako is a mobile app (for now) build with ionic to sync what you're watching with trakt.tv. It also provides a simple remote control for Kodi and allow you to play any movies or tv shows (using providers) via Elementum addon
- Trakt.tv movies and shows sync
- Notification on new aired episodes
- Kodi remote control
- Play any media from provider to kodi thanks to Elementum addons
Go on the release page, download and install the latest apk for your device.
You have to build by yourself the app and running it on your device using xcode.
Launch the app, sign in with trakt.tv and there you go.
If you want to use wako as a kodi remote control you need to allow remote control via HTTP in Kodi > Settings > Services > Control. Then configure the host on wako > Settings > Kodi
When you navigate to a movie or tv show, wako is trying to find some sources for this media by using the providers you set. wako doesn't provide any providers, it has to be added manually in Settings > Providers. You need to add a list of providers in a JSON format:
"my_first_provider": {
"name": "MyProvider",
"enabled": true,
"enabled_in_list": true,
"languages": ["en"],
"base_url": "https://www.my-provider.com/search/",
"response_type": "text",
"movie": {
"query": "{query}/Movies/1/",
"keywords": "{title} {year}"
"episode": {
"query": "{query}/TV/1/",
"keywords": "{title} {episodeCode}"
"html_parser": {
"row": "doc.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr')",
"title": "row.querySelector('a:nth-child(2)').innerHTML",
"peers": "row.querySelector('.leeches').innerHTML",
"seeds": "row.querySelector('.seeds').innerHTML",
"size": "row.querySelector('tbody > tr .size').textContent.split('B')[0] + 'B'",
"url": "'https://www.my-provider.com/'+ row.querySelector('a:nth-child(2)').getAttribute('href')"
Here are all the properties that can be set:
export interface Provider {
name: string;
enabled: boolean;
enabled_in_list: boolean;
languages: string[];
base_url: string;
response_type: 'json' | 'text';
time_to_wait_between_each_request_ms?: number;
time_to_wait_on_too_many_request_ms?: number;
token?: {
query: string;
token_validity_time_ms?: number;
token_format: {
token: string;
movie?: {
query: string;
keywords: string;
episode?: {
query: string;
keywords: string;
json_format?: {
results: string;
sub_results?: string;
url: string;
title: string;
seeds: string;
peers: string;
size: string;
quality?: string;
html_parser?: {
row: string;
url: string;
title: string;
seeds: string;
peers: string;
size: string;
- Clone the project, go into it, install dependencies
npm i
- Edit the spec:
- Run the tests with
ng test
. This will open your browser and run the tests. Because of CORS issue you might have, you should bypass them see (https://www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com/2014/08/bypass-cors-errors-testing-apis-locally) - To debug your provider see what's going on here:
if you setresponse_type
or here:src/app/shared/queries/torrents/torrent-from-provider.query.ts:251
in the other case