Dayal's book is a beautiful little primer on R, based on the Mosaic package.
However, some of the code doesn't work, and several datasets are unavailable.
Here I'll try to fix up the code, and post corrections that work for R version 3.5.0.
Currently, ch. 5-6 and 11-12 still have problems.
Obviously, all copyright goes to Dayal, Springer, and the makers of each dataset.
Ch. 4 – Fixed
Oil price data unavailable (get via Quandl + a few tweaks)
Ch. 5
Can't compute derivatives (try mosaicCalc)
World Bank dataset isn't available
Ch. 6
Can't layer charts on top of one another (cf. Ch. 12)
Ch. 11
Favstats mixes treatment & control group together
Ch. 12
Can't plot multiple graphs together (cf. Ch. 6)
Datasets don't work (World Bank, Maddison Project)
- International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI): ‘Carbon storage and livelihoods’ (.zip)
- Kathryn Graddy (Brandeis University): ‘Detailed Fulton Fish Market Data’ (.txt) (dictionary)
- Maddison Project (2015): ‘Maddison Historical Statistics’ (superseded)
- World Bank (2014): World Development Indicators (superseded)
- Datasets built into R: AirPassengers, anscombe, lalonde
- Datasets in the AER package: NYSESW, USMacroSW