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Total time coded since Jun 29 2023

gkrusta's 42 stats

Welcome to my GitHub profile!

🔭 I'm student from 42 Malaga working as IT Application Production Support for Corporate and Investment Banking.

💻 Most of my projects have been in C, C++ and Python, where I have the strongest foundation.

🚀 Right now i'm engaged in Outer Core projects centered on data and machine learning.

⚡ If you're looking for project descriptions and guidance, feel free to reach out to me.

📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn Badge

🔥 My Stats:

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  1. ft_transcendence ft_transcendence Public

    A single-page app build in micro service architecture where you can play pong with players among other things such as JWT, 2fa authentication, blockchain, chat, friends list, stats, profiles, IA ma…


  2. ft_linear_regression ft_linear_regression Public

    A program that using machine learning algorithm can predict a price of a car based on it's mileage.


  3. Webserv Webserv Public

    Webserv is a non-blocking web server designed in C++ that handles HTTP requests using a single instance of poll() for all I/O operations, supporting multiple ports, CGI scripts and file uploads.


  4. philosophers philosophers Public

    This project involves implementing a dining philosophers problem, where philosophers (threads) compete for limited resources (forks) while avoiding deadlock and ensuring they can eat without confli…

    C 1

  5. fractol fractol Public

    A project focused on creating a program that generates and visualizes various fractals using parallel processing and graphical libraries.

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  6. cub3d cub3d Public

    cub3D is a program that creates a dynamic labyrinth experience using my own Ray-Caster, offering a first-person view with interactive controls and customizable textures.

    C 1