is a tool in unidock_tools (mdock branch) used to prepare the unidock sdf.Here we compare the features before and after the modification of #58.
Update ligand torsion tree construction rules
This commit improves the definition of rotatable bonds in the ligand torsion tree construction. Changes include:
- Excluding terminal methyl, hydroxyl, and amine groups from being defined as rotatable single bonds.
- Preventing single bonds within peptide bond planes and adjacent conjugated systems from being classified as rotatable.
These updates address issues where inappropriate torsional degrees of freedom were assigned, leading to unrealistic ligand conformations during the docking process.
Here is an example to show the difference:
Figure 1. Left:before the revision; Middle: Meeko; Right: after the revision
Preapre unidock SDF with unidock_tools (mcdock branch) actives_final.sdf actives_prep.sdf
obabel -isdf actives_prep.sdf -osdf -O actives/actives-.sdf -m
You can use shell command to split the SDF:
csplit actives_prep.sdf /"\$\$\$\$"/ --suppress-matched --prefix=actives- --suffix-format=%05d.sdf '{*}'
It will generate files such as actives-00001.sdf,actives-00002.sdf....
ls actives/*.sdf >> actives.index
unidock --config dock.conf --ligand_index actives.index --dir actives_out --search_mode fast
Collect the docking results:
for file in actives_out/*.sdf
cat $file >> actives_dock.sdf
Because the bond length and oriention of non-polar hydrogens are meaningless, they need to be removed and then added.
Remove hydrogen with openbabel:
obabel -isdf actives_dock.sdf -osdf -O actives_dock_noH.sdf -d
Add hydrogens with openbabel:
obabel -isdf actives_dock_noH.sdf -osdf -O actives_dock_addH.sdf -h
Preapre unidock SDF with unidock_tools (main branch)
from unidock_tools.ligandPrepare import prepare_ligands
The user must prepare a bias parameter file (BPF) containing all the information for the different biases to be applied. The BPF contains one line for each bias, with the following parameters:
- (x, y, z) coordinates in Å,
- energy reward ( V set ) in kcal/mol,
- decay radius ( r ) in Å,
- type of bias ( don , acc , aro or map ).
The following type of biases are available:
- hydrogen bond donor = don ,
- hydrogen bond acceptor = acc ,
- aromatic = aro,
- specific bias according to the desired map = map
Two examples of bias parameter files are shown below:
i) Bias parameter file with traditional interaction biases
x y z Vset r type
33.682 36.327 34.471 -1.50 0.80 acc
34.557 36.028 31.933 -2.00 0.60 don
36.905 36.534 30.560 -1.75 1.00 aro
ii) Bias parameter file with specific map biases
x y z Vset r type
5.100 1.785 20.019 -1.75 1.10 map
9.459 2.075 24.527 -2.00 0.80 map
Bias parameter file format requirements
- All lines must have 6 columns. The columns must be space or tab separated.
- Lines are ignored if the first column is not numeric (e.g., header with titles - x, y, z, V set , r, type - in the examples above).
- The first three columns define the x,y,z coordinates of the bias site center, in Å.
- The fourth column corresponds to the energy reward ( V set ), in kcal/mol, to be applied at the bias site center. It has to be a negative number . If there is no thermodynamic information for the site, a reasonable value is -2.0 kcal/mol, which sets a relatively strong bias.
- The fifth column is the radius ( r ) of the bias site, in Å. It controls the extent of energy reward through space according to a Gaussian function. A reasonable value range that builds a well defined bias site is between 0.6 and 1.2 Å.
- The last column indicates the type of bias and, in consequence, which energy maps will be modified: (1)acc modifies NA and OA maps;(2) don modifies HD maps; (3)aro creates an ad hoc new map (AC, aromatic center map) ;(4)map modifies the energy map specified in the -m argument. IMPORTANT: map biases cannot be combined with other types of biases ( don , acc , aro ) in the same execution of the program.
Bias-docking example:
unidock --config dock.conf --ligand_index actives.index --dir actives_out --search_mode fast --bias hinge_ph4.bpf
Elias D. López, et al. WATCLUST: a tool for improving the design of drugs based on protein-water interactions, Bioinformatics, 2015,31(22):3697–3699.
The rigid- and flexible-docking is achieved by the using different fragInfo tag.
This is a example of fragInfo tag for flexible-docking:
> <fragInfo>
1 2 3 4 5 30 31 32 33 34
6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29
17 18 19 20
24 25 26 27
37 38 39
40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47
This is a example of fragInfor tag for rigid-docking:
> <fragInfo>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
When performing rigid docking, both fragInfo and atomInfo tags are required and torsionInfo tag should be deleted. can help to prepare the ligand for rigid docking: lig.sdf lig_rigid.sdf
If you need to relax pose, make sure to use flexible fragInfo tag and carry out a local only search:
unidock --config dock.conf --ligand_index pose.index --dir relax_out \
--exhaustiveness 512 --max_step 40 --num_modes 1 --verbosity 2 \
--refine_step 5 --keep_nonpolar_H --local_only
Prepare a docking scrript such as
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/public/software/apps/unidock/boost_1_72_0/build_sif/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd /work/home/achktgbwrc/cu2_unidock_evaluation
$unidock --ligand_index /work/home/achktgbwrc/index/DC_batch_5.index --config dock.conf --dir DC_batch_5 --search_mode fast
Prepare a SLURM script such as DC_batch_5.slurm:
#SBATCH -J DC_batch_5
#SBATCH -n 8
#SBATCH -p xahdtest
#SBATCH --gres=dcu:1
module purge
module load singularity/3.7.3
export BOOST_ROOT=/public/software/apps/unidock/boost_1_72_0/build_sif
singularity exec -B /public:/public -B /work:/work /public/software/apps/DeepLearning/singularity/centos7.6-mpi4.0-gcc9.3-cmake3.21-make4.2-glibc2.29-glibcxx3.4.26-py3.8-dtk23.10.sif bash -c "source /opt/dtk/ && source /opt/dtk/cuda/ && bash"
Submit jobs:
sbatch DC_batch_5.slurm