Discover existing lookup tables to minimize the size of a transaction.
Common parameters for discovery endpoints:
- query:
- accountsOnly:
: An array of base58 encoded lookup table public keys will be returned.false
: (default) An array of objects including both the table public key and the base64 encoded program account will be returned.
- reRank:
: Re-ranks each table after each top table found, trades off performance for potentially finding a better set of tables. If looking to improve an existing versioned transaction it is recommended to set this to true.false
: (default)
- accountsOnly:
Post a serialized and encoded, legacy or v0, transaction.
- headers:
- X-BYTE-ENCODING: Encoding of the posted transaction.
: default
- X-BYTE-ENCODING: Encoding of the posted transaction.
- query:
- stats:
: Include stats comparing the input tx and the resulting versioned tx, as well as stats per table used to help get an idea of the impact.false
: (default)
- includeProvidedTables: Only applicable if the query is a versioned transaction with lookup tables.
: Include the table(s) from the queried transaction regardless. Otherwise, they might not exist in the local discovery cache.false
: (default). Can be useful to find a fresh view of the world.
- stats:
- body: serialized and encoded transaction.
If you know the set of accounts used in your transaction(s) this endpoint may be more useful or easier to use than posting a transaction.
Note: do not include invoked program accounts or signers.
curl -d '["8UJgxaiQx5nTrdDgph5FiahMmzduuLTLf5WmsPegYA6W","2UZMvVTBQR9yWxrEdzEQzXWE61bUjqQ5VpJAGqVb3B19","25Eax9W8SA3wpCQFhJEGyHhQ2NDHEshZEDzyMNtthR8D","7QAtMC3AaAc91W4XuwYXM1Mtffq9h9Z8dTxcJrKRHu1z"]' \
- body: JSON array of base58 encoded accounts.
Reference the documentation below for anything that is not implicitly clear and needs context.
"localDev": true,
"workDir": "./",
"discovery": {
"cacheOnly": false,
"cacheDirectory": ".look/table_cache",
"clearCache": false,
"remoteLoad": {
"minUniqueAccountsPerTable": 34,
"minTableEfficiency": 0.8,
"maxConcurrentRequests": 16,
"reloadDelay": "PT8h"
"query": {
"numPartitions": 8,
"topTablesPerPartition": 16,
"startingMinScore": 8
"web": {
"http": {
"port": 4242
"allowedOrigins": []
"tableCache": {
"initialCapacity": 256,
"refreshStaleItemsDelay": "PT4h",
"consideredStale": "PT8h"
"rpc": {
"callWeights": {
"getProgramAccounts": 2
"defaultCapacity": {
"minCapacityDuration": "PT8S",
"maxCapacity": 4,
"resetDuration": "PT1S"
"defaultBackoff": {
"type": "fibonacci",
"initialRetryDelaySeconds": 1,
"maxRetryDelaySeconds": 21
"endpoints": [
"url": "",
"capacity": {
"minCapacityDuration": "PT5S",
"maxCapacity": 50,
"resetDuration": "PT1S"
"backoff": {
"type": "exponential",
"initialRetryDelaySeconds": 1,
"maxRetryDelaySeconds": 16
"url": ""
Directory with write access to store service related caches.
The service loads all active lookup tables stored on chain, and does so in 257 partitions. 256 based on the first byte of the table authority, and one for tables with no authority (frozen).
While fetching remote tables it filters out subjectively non-useful tables using the discovery parameters documented below.
Once all tables are retrieved they are joined into a single array.
Per query there is a parallel score/map and reduce step.
Scoring a table represents how many indexable accounts from the query exist in the table.
: Does not remotely load lookup tables from RPC nodes.cacheDirectory
: Binary files of lookup tables will be stored here. This allows the server to bootstrap within a couple of seconds (local SSD).clearCache
: Only to be used when there are breaking cache data model changes.remoteLoad
: Parameters relevant to loading and filtering tables from remote RPC nodes.minUniqueAccountsPerTable
:numUniqueAccounts / numAccounts
: Max number of partitions that can be fetched concurrently.reloadDelay
encoded delay between defensive fetching of all on-chain tables.
: Per query related parameters.numPartitions
: The initial task of scoring tables will be divided into this many parallel windows.topTablesPerPartition
: The number of top scored tables for each window/partition to return.startingMinScore
: Minimum score at the map/score step for a table to be eligible for reduction. If no tables meet the requirement is are found, the minimum score is divided two down to a minimum of two before giving up.
Web Server parameters.
: Clear text HTTP 1.1 and 2.0 server connection information.port
: Port to bind to, defaults to 0, which will pick a randomly available port. The port the server is listening to will be logged.
: TLS HTTP 1.1, 2.0 and Quic 3.0 server connection information.port
: For cross-origin checks. SetlocalDev
to true to bypass check.
The table cache is used to support requests which send a versioned transaction. The intention would be to try to re-optimize an existing versioned transaction with multiple lookup tables or if you would like to recover rent from a redundant table account.
: If you do not intend to send versioned transactions to this service, set this to 0. Otherwise, try to estimate how many unique table accounts will be encountered via queries.refreshStaleItemsDelay
encoded delay between driving a refresh of the table cache.consideredStale
encoded duration to define tables which are stale versus their on-chain state.
RPC nodes.
: Default call weight is 1, use this to help match rate limits for specific RPC methods.getProgramAccounts
encoded window in which maxCapacity is re-added.maxCapacity
: Maximum requests that can be made withinresetDuration
: Maximum time, encoded as ajava.time.Duration
, before capacity should recover to a positive value, given that no additional failures happen.
: Backoff strategy in response to errors.type
: Array of RPC node configurations.url
: OverridesdefaultCapacity
: OverridesdefaultBackoff
Creates an Alpine based image which includes a minimal executable JVM.
First, create a classic GitHub user access token with read access to GitHub Packages.
docker build \
--secret type=env,id=GITHUB_ACTOR,env=GITHUB_ACTOR \
--secret type=env,id=GITHUB_TOKEN,env=GITHUB_TOKEN \
-t glam-systems/look:latest .
Used to support faster restarts.
docker volume create look_table_cache
docker run --rm -it \
--user root \
--mount source=look_table_cache,target=/look/.look \
--entrypoint=ash \
# Any disk writes needed at runtime will be stored within /look/.look
chown glam /look/.look && chgrp nogroup /look/.look
Make sure the port you expose matches the port in your configuration file.
- dockerImageName="glam-systems/look:latest"
- dockerRunFlags="--detach --name look --memory 12g --publish 4242:4242"
- jvmArgs="-server -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -Xms8G -Xmx11G"
- logLevel="INFO"
- configDirectory="$(pwd)/.config"
- configFileName=""
./ --configFileName=look_service.json
Compiles a minimal executable JVM and facilitates passing runtime arguments.
Add the following to your file:
Or, export the following environment variables:
Run the service:
./ \
--simpleProjectName="look" \
--configFile="./.config/look_service.json" \
--moduleName="systems.glam.look" \
--mainClass="systems.glam.look.http.LookupTableWebService" \
--jvmArgs="-server -XX:+UseZGC -Xms8G -Xmx13G" \