Experimental blockchain built in Golang. It is still under development and features will be updated regulary.
- Custom TCP server for communication with nodes
- Custom Database built only to store the current chain
- Custom communication messages to communicate with other nodes
- Verifying node authenticity by its address
- Concurrency
- Easy to compile and run
If you use this as a template, please do not remove any credits, and I expect to be credited in a README file or something similar. You can always run your own node, just setup the variables that are found in the main.go
file (root directory).
WHen you run a node, you can do the following things;
Init blockchain;
Or: &blockchain.Blockchain{chain []*blockchain.Block}
Init Transaction Pool;
Add Block to the blockchain (this also mines it if;
- The Miner field is ""
- config.Mining_Node = true
(*blockchain.Blockchain).AddBlock(data []*blockchain.Transaction, hash []byte, nonce int, Miner string)
Add transaction to the Transaction Pool;
(*blockchain.TransactionPool).AddTransaction(transaction *blockchain.Transaction)
New Transaction;
(*blockchain.Blockchain).NewTransactionInstance(from *ecdsa.PublicKey, to string, amount int)
Mine Transactions from Transaction Pool;