A presentation tool with a laser!
Essentially this is Yet Another Glove Build (YAGB) which will allow the user to point their index finger and it will shoot out a laser pointer. Closing the hand will turn it all off. Two buttons will be on the index finger: page forward, page back. Giving a thumbs up will make a happy face on the glove/circuit enclosure. Expecting to use flex sensors, an HID capable dev board that can handle the flex sensors and happy face output. Bluetooth yeah.
Instructables Flex Sensor Glove
Instructables Arduino Flex Sensor Glove
2 sheets of velostat!
Essentially I'm hoping to use snaps to connect the flex sensor to the glove but the female connector (top) would be bumpy and warping the sensor. I designed and 3D printed parts to fit the female top snap. The sensor can then be glued to the top of the snaptops.
Hardware is starting to come together. Ordered the dev board. Started to assemble the button board.
3d printed the case and the tolerances are too tight!!!
again, I'm learning that I need to design my own parts and not trust ones that I find online
4.921 mm (width of battery)
- 4.723 mm (width of case)
0.198 mm
2.299 mm (width of feather)
- 2.241 mm (width of case)
0.058 mm
I'll clamp the unit into my vise and be very very careful... :)
(also use safety goggles!)
Yup - working thus far - need to do some more surgery.
Ugly dremel hacks but the battery fits too now!
Yes! Yes! Awesomeness!!! This works!
It is now on - fits well and points nicely
I will have more progress tomorrow after I get a good day!
I got the old sensor working, wired, and tested. Built a new sensor interface board - mounted sensor mounts on the glove.
Yup - mostly working but coming along - now onto the buttons...
It is true - sad but true. The presentation went well but could have been cooler with the glove.
Yup - back at it - soldered new button board and tested continuity