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Merge pull request #157 from glenrobson/chore/update-dependencies #93

Merge pull request #157 from glenrobson/chore/update-dependencies

Merge pull request #157 from glenrobson/chore/update-dependencies #93

Workflow file for this run

name: SOLR Cloud
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Starting SOLR
run: docker compose -f docker/sas-solr-cloud/compose.yaml --project-directory . up -d
- name: Wait for SOLR to start
run: docker exec -t solr1 /opt/docker-solr/scripts/ --max-attempts 10 --wait-seconds 5 --solr-url
# Due to the way docker-compose and SOLR works we can't access the SOLR cloud
# from this machine. Instead we have to run the test within the cluster
- name: Run Tests
run: docker exec --workdir /usr/src/sas simpleannotationserver_web_1 /usr/bin/mvn -q test