👋 Welcome in! 👋
This repository contains the Open Source code for gliff.ai’s geolocation map plugin.
This [plugin] repository aims to create a useful plugin for the gliff.ai platform which enables users to have access to a visual interactive map using heat mapping to demonstrate the original location of images within their dataset in one click.
✅ We welcome contributions on this repository! ✅
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We welcome all contributors and any contributions on this project through the likes of feedback on or suggesting features and enhancements, raising bug problems, reporting on security vulnerabilities, reviewing code, requesting or creating tests, user testing etc. to ensure gliff.ai can help enable the best and biggest positive impact possible.
Sounds good and want to contribute to the project? 🧑💻
Please check the gliff.ai Contribution Guide 👋 before you get started. Don’t forget the gliff.ai Code of Conduct
A big thank you from the entire gliff.ai team to these fellow contributors (emoji key):
{{Contributor List - coming soon}}
Need some help? 🤔 Have a question? 🧠
Reach out to the gliff.ai team at community@gliff.ai or on our GitHub discussions.
This code is licensed under a GNU AGPLv3 license 📝
Curious about our reasoning for this? Read about them here!