Glossatronic is software that supports the creation of a generic glossary of terms by domain, which can be translated into one or more other languages.
At this time, simply read the Wiki for more information. This is a nascent project.
You must have Node installed on your machine to run this locally.
To run the app:
clone the glossatronic repository:
$: git clone
clone the glossatronic-api repository:
$: git clone
switch to the glossatronic-api directory
start the server: (the api will run by default on port 3500)
$: npm run server
switch to the glossatronic directory
run npm install from the glossatronic root directory:
$: npm install
start the client: (the app will run by default on port 4200)
$: ng serve
to view the app go to url http://localhost:4200
to view the api go to url http://localhost:3500 -- you should see a welcome message
sample api calls:
To run karma tests from the command line
ng test --sourcemaps=false
(the option of sourcemaps=false is to prevent a recent problem introduced by the latest version of Angular-cli)