This repository contains a "module-like" collection of scripts and class definitions used for wrapping the yt-dlp utility. The current state permits batch handling of video downloads, either serially or concurrently, and playlist downloads. Channel data can also be checked according to a channel data file, which defaults to concurrent data retrieval.
Currently, the wrapper provides more interesting messages (as well as less text overall) such as individual video download progress and stage, and handles retry messages and retry failures.
Some important scenarios are as yet unhandled. Please open a ticket if you would like to request a possible change, or fork this repo and make a pull request if you would like to make a direct contribution. Furthermore, I'm not an expert developer and this is a bit of a pet project, so there will be wonky bits, rough edges, and a somewhat slow dev cycle. I am also exclusively developing this on Linux systems (previously Ubuntu, now Fedora) so there may be cross-platform incompatibilities. For example, there is a known bug (of currently unknown cause or source) running subprocess calls on the Ubuntu WSL, which doesn't stop the video successfully downloading, but breaks console output.
Future changes may include:
- Renaming of components
- Additional exception or failure handling
- Me (@glm729)
- @TheSpectacledOne:
- WSL testing and general ideas
- @tecosaur:
- Overwriteable definition; ported from his example in Julia
This project is written as a wrapper for the yt-dlp utility (project page).