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Java CI standard-readme compliant DOI

Maps identifiers and names to other identifiers and names.

$ echo -e "\tHomo sapiens" | nomer append itis
	Homo sapiens	SAME_AS	ITIS:180092	Homo sapiens	species		Animalia | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Tetrapoda | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Primates | Haplorrhini | Simiiformes | Hominoidea | Hominidae | Homininae | Homo | Homo sapiens	ITIS:202423 | ITIS:914154 | ITIS:914156 | ITIS:158852 | ITIS:331030 | ITIS:914179 | ITIS:914181 | ITIS:179913 | ITIS:179916 | ITIS:179925 | ITIS:180089 | ITIS:943773 | ITIS:943778 | ITIS:943782 | ITIS:180090 | ITIS:943805 | ITIS:180091 | ITIS:180092	kingdom | subkingdom | infrakingdom | phylum | subphylum | infraphylum | superclass | class | subclass | infraclass | order | suborder | infraorder | superfamily | family | subfamily | genus | species	

Standard out (stdout) is used for results, and standard error (stderr) is used for logging (e.g., progress reporting). Designed to work with *nix pipes or as simple commandline tool.

Nomer expects tab separated input in form of [term id]\t[term name]. To change this default behavior, you can select the columns to be used for id/name selection by defining an alternate nomer.schema.* properties. See properties command to list available properties.

Different kind of matchers can be select to do the term matching. Offline matching is supported by some matchers like globi-cache. Note that globi-cache will download a taxon map/cache archive initially, and re-uses the indexes until the cache in cleaned up. The cache itself can be archived so that results can be reproduced in a different environment without need to rebuild the term match index.`

Matchers can be added by writing some java code that implements an interface.

Note that a python wrapper was made available by nleguillarme at

Note that a NodeJS wrapper was made available by zedomel at

Table of Contents


Nomer needs Java 8+, and is developed and tested on OpenJDK 8. Why OpenJDK 8?. Because OpenJDK 8 is Long Term Supported (LTS), and (at time of writing Nov 2021) supported until at least May 2026, longer than any of the newer OpenJDK versions.

Please see for a python wrapper.


Nomer is a stand-alone java application, packaged in a jarfile. You can build you own (see building) or download a prebuilt jar at releases.

On linux and mac, you can use the following script to install nomer:

sudo sh -c '(curl -L > /usr/local/bin/nomer && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nomer && nomer install-manpage' && nomer clean && nomer version

⚠️ Please review the script before running it.

With this, you can now run things like nomer version instead of java -jar [some long dir path]/nomer.jar version .

Note that a debian package (Debian, Ubuntu, etc) is also available for use with the Advanced Package Tool (or apt) via:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
curl -L > nomer.deb
sudo apt install ./nomer.deb

To remove type sudo apt remove nomer.

Maven, Gradle, SBT

Nomer is made available through a maven repository.

To include nomer in your project, add the following sections to your pom.xml (or equivalent for sbt, gradle etc):




Please use maven version 3.3+ , otherwise you might find issues like this one.

  • Clone this repository
  • Run tests using mvn test (optional).
  • Run mvn package -DskipTests to build (standalone) jar
  • Copy nomer/target/nomer-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar to [some dir]/nomer.jar


For documentation see docs/nomer.adoc or type man nomer in the terminal after installing nomer.


Usage: nomer [command] [command options]
    version      Show Version.
      Usage: version

    replace      Replace exact term matches in row. The input schema is used
            to select the id and/or name to match to. The output schema is
            used to select the columns to write into. If a term has multiple
            matches, first match is used.
      Usage: replace [options] [matcher]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    append      Append term match to row using id and name columns specified
            in input schema. Multiple matches result in multiple rows.
      Usage: append [options] [matcher]
          -o, --output-format
            tsv, json
            Default: tsv
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    matchers      Lists supported matcher and (optionally) their descriptions.
      Usage: matchers [options]
          -o, --output-format
            tsv, json
            Default: tsv
          -v, --verbose
            if set, matcher descriptions are included for tsv.
            Default: false

    properties      Lists configuration properties. Can be used to make a
            local copy and override default settings using the
            [--properties=[local copy]] option.
      Usage: properties [options]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    input-schema      Show input schema in JSON.
      Usage: input-schema [options]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    output-schema      Show output schema.
      Usage: output-schema [options]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    validate-term      Validate terms.
      Usage: validate-term [options]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    validate-term-link      Validate term links.
      Usage: validate-term-link [options]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>

    clean      Cleans term matcher cache.
      Usage: clean [options] [matcher]
          -p, --properties
            Path to properties file to override defaults.
            Default: <empty string>


Show version

$ nomer version

Show supported matchers

$ nomer matchers -v

Result as of v0.3.2 (Oct 2022) is formatted as a table below:

name description
ala Lookup taxon in Atlas of Living Australia by name or by id using ALATaxon:* prefix.
batnames Lookup BatNames taxa by name, synonym using offline-enabled database dump
bold-web Use BOLD webservice to lookup taxa by bin/taxon id using BOLD:* and BOLDTaxon:* prefixes.
col Lookup Catalogue of Life taxon by name or COL:* prefixed ids using offline-enabled database dump
crossref-doi uses to resolve doi associated with human readable citation
discoverlife Lookup DiscoverLife taxa by name, synonym using offline-enabled database dump
envo Lookup envo terms by name or by id using ENVO:* prefix.
eol Lookup EOL pages by id with EOL:* prefix using offline-enabled database dump
gbif Lookup GBIF taxa by name, synonym or id using offline-enabled database dump
gbif-parse Attempts extract canonical taxonomic name from name string using .
gbif-web Web-based taxon id/name lookup using GBIF backbone API and GBIF:* prefix.
globalnames Uses to match taxon names. Searches by name only (not id).
globi Uses GloBI's Taxon Graph to lookup terms by id or name across many taxonomies / ontologies. Caches a copy locally on first use to allow for subsequent offline usage. Use properties [nomer.term.cache.url] and [] to override default cache and map locations. See for more information.
globi-correct Scrubs names using GloBI's (taxonomic) name scrubber. Scrubbing includes removing of stopwords (e.g., undefined), correcting common typos using a "crappy" names list, parse to canonical name using gnparser (see, and more.
globi-enrich Uses GloBI's taxon enricher to find first term match by id or name. Uses various web apis like Encyclopedia of Life, World Registry of Marine Species (WoRMS), Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), National Biodiversity Network (NBN) and more.
globi-rank Finds taxonomic rank identifiers by rank commons name (e.g., species, order, soort). Uses Wikidata taxon rank items. Caches a copy locally on first usage to allow for subsequent offline usage.
gn-parse Attempts extract canonical taxonomic name from name string using .
gulfbase Look up taxa of by name or id with BioGoMx:* prefix.
inaturalist-id Lookup taxon in iNaturalist by id with INAT_TAXON:* prefix.
indexfungorum Lookup Index Fungorum taxon by name or id using offline-enabled database dump
itis Lookup ITIS taxon by name or id using offline-enabled database dump
itis-web Use itis webservice to lookup taxa by id using ITIS:* prefix.
nbn Lookup taxon of National Biodiversity Network by id with NBN:* prefix.
ncbi Lookup NCBI taxa by name, synonym or id using offline-enabled database dump
ncbi-web Lookup NCBI taxon by id with NCBI:* prefix using web apis.
nodc Lookup taxon in the Taxonomic Code of the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) by id with prefix NODC: . Maps to ITIS terms if possible.
openbiodiv uses openbiodiv sparql endpoint to resolve openbiodiv terms
orcid-web Lookup ORCID by id with ORCID:* prefix.
ott Lookup Open Tree of Life taxon by name or (OTT|GBIF|WORMS|IF|NCBI|IRMNG)* prefixed ids using offline-enabled database dump
plazi Lookup Plazi taxon treatment by name or id using offline-enabled database dump
pmid-doi resolves pubmed id to doi using
remove-stop-words Removes stop words (e.g., undefined) using a stop word list specified by property [] .
tpt Lookup TPT taxon by name or id using offline-enabled database dump
translate-names Translates incoming names using a two column csv file specified by property [] .
uksi-current-name Use UK Species Inventory to find current taxonomic name.
wfo Lookup World of Flora Online taxon by name or WFO:* prefixed ids using offline-enabled database dump
wikidata-web uses wikidata to cross-walk taxon id across taxonomies
worms Lookup taxon in WoRMS by name or by id with WORMS:* prefix.

If you'd like to add new matchers, please open a new issue and describe your desires.

Match term by id with default matcher

$ echo -e "NCBI:9606\t" | nomer append > matches.tsv

Match term by name with default matcher

$ echo -e "\tHomo sapiens" | nomer append > matches.tsv

matches.tsv should now include entries like

$ cat matches.tsv
	Homo sapiens	SAME_AS	EOL:327955	Homo sapiens	Species	إنسان @ar | Insan @az | човешки @bg | মানবীয় @bn | Ljudsko biće @bs | Humà @ca | Muž @cs | Menneske @da | Mensch @de | ανθρώπινο ον @el | Humans @en | Humano @es | Gizakiaren @eu | Ihminen @fi | Homme @fr | Mutum @ha | אנושי @he | մարդու @hy | Umano @it | ადამიანის @ka | Homo @la | žmogaus @lt | Om @mo | Mens @nl | Òme @oc | Om @ro | Человек разумный современный @ru | Qenie Njerëzore @sq | மனிதன் @ta | మానవుడు @te | Aadmi @ur | umuntu @zu |	Animalia | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Tetrapoda | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Primates | Haplorrhini | Simiiformes | Hominoidea | Hominidae | Homininae | Homo | Homo sapiens	EOL:1 | EOL:3014411 | EOL:8814528 | EOL:694 | EOL:2774383 | EOL:12094272 | EOL:4712200 | EOL:1642 | EOL:57446 | EOL:2844801 | EOL:1645 | EOL:10487985 | EOL:10509493 | EOL:4529848 | EOL:1653 | EOL:10551052 | EOL:42268 | EOL:327955	kingdom | subkingdom | infrakingdom | division | subdivision | infraphylum | superclass | class | subclass | infraclass | order | suborder | infraorder | superfamily | family | subfamily | genus | species

Match term by id with JSON output

Similarly, you can match terms by id and produce JSON output, instead of tab-separated values using:

$ echo -e "NCBI:9606\tHomo sapiens" | nomer append ncbi-taxon-id -o json > matches.json

Now matches.json looks something like:

  "species": {
    "@id": "NCBITaxon:9606",
    "name": "Homo sapiens",
    "equivalent_to": {
      "@id": "NCBITaxon:9606",
      "name": "Homo sapiens"
  "norank": {
    "@id": "NCBITaxon:131567",
    "name": "cellular organisms"
  "superkingdom": {
    "@id": "NCBITaxon:2759",
    "name": "Eukaryota"
  "kingdom": {
    "@id": "NCBITaxon:33208",
    "name": "Metazoa"

Using tools like jq, you can now do things like:

$ echo -e "NCBI:9606\tHomo sapiens" | nomer append -o json | jq .family

to list all the family taxa associated with the term.

Match term by id with selected matcher


$ echo -e "ITIS:180547" | nomer append globi-enrich
ITIS:180547 SAME_AS ITIS:180547 Enhydra lutris  Species     Animalia | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Tetrapoda | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Carnivora | Caniformia | Mustelidae | Lutrinae | Enhydra | Enhydra lutris ITIS:202423 | ITIS:914154 | ITIS:914156 | ITIS:158852 | ITIS:331030 | ITIS:914179 | ITIS:914181 | ITIS:179913 | ITIS:179916 | ITIS:179925 | ITIS:180539 | ITIS:552303 | ITIS:180545 | ITIS:552326 | ITIS:180546 | ITIS:180547   Kingdom | Subkingdom | Infrakingdom | Phylum | Subphylum | Infraphylum | Superclass | Class | Subclass | Infraclass | Order | Suborder | Family | Subfamily | Genus | Species


$ echo -e "NCBI:9606" | nomer append globi-enrich```
NCBI:9606	SAME_AS	NCBI:9606	Homo sapiens	species	man @en | human @en	cellular organisms | Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Craniata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Teleostomi | Euteleostomi | Sarcopterygii | Dipnotetrapodomorpha | Tetrapoda | Amniota | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Boreoeutheria | Euarchontoglires | Primates | Haplorrhini | Simiiformes | Catarrhini | Hominoidea | Hominidae | Homininae | Homo | Homo sapiens	NCBI:131567 | NCBI:2759 | NCBI:33154 | NCBI:33208 | NCBI:6072 | NCBI:33213 | NCBI:33511 | NCBI:7711 | NCBI:89593 | NCBI:7742 | NCBI:7776 | NCBI:117570 | NCBI:117571 | NCBI:8287 | NCBI:1338369 | NCBI:32523 | NCBI:32524 | NCBI:40674 | NCBI:32525 | NCBI:9347 | NCBI:1437010 | NCBI:314146 | NCBI:9443 | NCBI:376913 | NCBI:314293 | NCBI:9526 | NCBI:314295 | NCBI:9604 | NCBI:207598 | NCBI:9605 | NCBI:9606	| superkingdom |  | kingdom |  |  |  | phylum | subphylum |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | class |  |  |  | superorder | order | suborder | infraorder | parvorder | superfamily | family | subfamily | genus | species

Match term by name with selected matcher

$ echo -e "\tCanis lupus" | nomer append globi-globalnames
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	NCBI:9612	Canis lupus	species		| Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Craniata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Teleostomi | Euteleostomi | Sarcopterygii | Dipnotetrapodomorpha | Tetrapoda | Amniota | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Boreoeutheria | Laurasiatheria | Carnivora | Caniformia | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	NCBI:131567 | NCBI:2759 | NCBI:33154 | NCBI:33208 | NCBI:6072 | NCBI:33213 | NCBI:33511 | NCBI:7711 | NCBI:89593 | NCBI:7742 | NCBI:7776 | NCBI:117570 | NCBI:117571 | NCBI:8287 | NCBI:1338369 | NCBI:32523 | NCBI:32524 | NCBI:40674 | NCBI:32525 | NCBI:9347 | NCBI:1437010 | NCBI:314145 | NCBI:33554 | NCBI:379584 | NCBI:9608 | NCBI:9611 | NCBI:9612	| superkingdom |  | kingdom |  |  |  | phylum | subphylum |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | class |  |  |  | superorder | order | suborder | family | genus | species
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	OTT:247341	Canis lupus	species		|  | Eukaryota | Opisthokonta | Holozoa | Metazoa | Eumetazoa | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Craniata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Teleostomi | Euteleostomi | Sarcopterygii | Dipnotetrapodomorpha | Tetrapoda | Amniota | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Boreoeutheria | Laurasiatheria | Carnivora | Caniformia | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	OTT:805080 | OTT:93302 | OTT:304358 | OTT:332573 | OTT:5246131 | OTT:691846 | OTT:641038 | OTT:117569 | OTT:147604 | OTT:125642 | OTT:947318 | OTT:801601 | OTT:278114 | OTT:114656 | OTT:114654 | OTT:458402 | OTT:4940726 | OTT:229562 | OTT:229560 | OTT:244265 | OTT:229558 | OTT:683263 | OTT:5334778 | OTT:392223 | OTT:44565 | OTT:827263 | OTT:770319 | OTT:372706 | OTT:247341	no rank | no rank | domain | no rank | no rank | kingdom | no rank | no rank | no rank | phylum | subphylum | subphylum | superclass | no rank | no rank | class | no rank | superclass | no rank | class | subclass | no rank | no rank | superorder | order | suborder | family | genus | species
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	INAT_TAXON:42048	Canis lupus	speciesAnimalia | Chordata | Mammalia | Carnivora | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	ITIS:180596	Canis lupus	Species		Animalia | Bilateria | Deuterostomia | Chordata | Vertebrata | Gnathostomata | Tetrapoda | Mammalia | Theria | Eutheria | Carnivora | Caniformia | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	ITIS:202423 | ITIS:914154 | ITIS:914156 | ITIS:158852 | ITIS:331030 | ITIS:914179 | ITIS:914181 | ITIS:179913 | ITIS:179916 | ITIS:179925 | ITIS:180539 | ITIS:552303 | ITIS:180594 | ITIS:180595 | ITIS:180596	Kingdom | Subkingdom | Infrakingdom | Phylum | Subphylum | Infraphylum | Superclass | Class | Subclass | Infraclass | Order | Suborder | Family | Genus | Species
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	IRMNG:11407661	Canis lupus	species		Animalia | Chordata | Mammalia | Carnivora | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	IRMNG:11 | IRMNG:148 | IRMNG:1310 | IRMNG:12116 | IRMNG:104585 | IRMNG:1282727 | IRMNG:11407661	kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species
	Canis lupus	SAME_AS	GBIF:5219173	Canis lupus	species		Animalia | Chordata | Mammalia | Carnivora | Canidae | Canis | Canis lupus	GBIF:1 | GBIF:44 | GBIF:359 | GBIF:732 | GBIF:9701 | GBIF:5219142 | GBIF:5219173kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species

The expected output includes tab separated lines like, where the first two columns are the input and the following columns are match results.

Replacing term matches

In addition to appending the found matches to a provided input row, Nomer also supports replacing the matched values.

Looking up Canis lupus using globalnames with the replace command would look like:

$ echo -e "\tCanis lupus" | nomer replace globi-globalnames
NCBI:9612	Canis lupus

If multiple matches for the term are available, the first match will be replaced.

The replace commands also supports pipe delimited paths, like:

$ echo -e "\tAnimalia | Mammalia | Canis lupus" | nomer replace globi-globalnames
ITIS:202423 | NCBI:40674 | NCBI:9612	Animalia | Mammalia | Canis lupus

Or when using a matcher that supports lookup by id:

$ echo -e "ITIS:202423 | NCBI:40674 | NCBI:9612\t" | nomer replace globi-enrich
ITIS:202423 | NCBI:40674 | NCBI:9612    Animalia | Mammalia | Canis lupus

If you have an existing tabular file where the id and name columns are not the first and second respectively, then, you can change the input/output schema. For instance, if you'd like to match on ids in the third (=2) column and write the matching id and name in the first (=0) and second (=1) column (= default), you can do something like:

$ echo -e "\t\tNCBI:9606" | java -Dnomer.schema.input="[{\"column\":2,\"type\":\"externalId\"}]" -jar nomer.jar replace ncbi-taxon-id
NCBI:9606	Homo sapiens	NCBI:9606

To avoid escaping of double quotes (i.e. " -> \"), and to keep your commands relatively short, perhaps an easier way to change the input / output schema is the save the default properties to a file using nomer properties > Now, edit the properties nomer.schema.input and nomer.schema.output to suit your needs. After you are done, you can use the properties by running someting like:

$ echo -e "\t\tNCBI:9606" | nomer replace ncbi-taxon-id
NCBI:9606	Homo sapiens	NCBI:9606

... to reproduce the results from the previous example.

validate taxonCache and taxonMap

To validate terms (aka TaxonCache) and term linkages (aka TaxonMap) to be used with the offline term matchers, you can use the validate-term and validate-term-link commands.

For instance, if you'd like to validate the first 10 lines of the taxonCache as published in do:

curl -L "" | nomer validate-term

Expected result looks something like [FAIL|OK]\t[validation test]\t[...] where [...] is the validated line. Parts of the result of the above command includes:

OK	9 columns	4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	Coelomomyces iliensis	species		Fungi | Chytridiomycota | Blastocladiomycetes | Blastocladiales | Coelomomycetaceae | Coelomomyces | Coelomomyces iliensis | | | | | | 4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species
FAIL	supported id	4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	Coelomomyces iliensis	species		Fungi | Chytridiomycota | Blastocladiomycetes | Blastocladiales | Coelomomycetaceae | Coelomomyces | Coelomomyces iliensis | | | | | | 4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species
FAIL	prefixed id	4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	Coelomomyces iliensis	species		Fungi | Chytridiomycota | Blastocladiomycetes | Blastocladiales | Coelomomycetaceae | Coelomomyces | Coelomomyces iliensis | | | | | | 4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b	kingdom | phylum | class | order | family | genus | species

This validation report tell us that the line starting with 4701dc84-660a-4c51-bd16-593997f2370b Coelomomyces iliensis has (expected) 9 columns, but has an id that is not supported by nomer nor does the id conform to the [some namespace]:[some id] format. Note that the GloBI Taxon Graph publication at prompted the development of the validation features. For more historic context, please see #5 .

A similar feature for term links (aka TaxonMap) are available through the command validate-term-link.


Feel free to join in. All welcome. Open an issue!
