1.2.0 (2024-04-29)
add edge labels to catch, choice and default (7cfff33 )
add support for clicking a node and focusing that State position in the editor (c686a63 )
add version to header (6cede67 )
adds scaffold for basic documentation browser (f9d469e )
allow users to reorganize nodes in the node diagram. (#17 ) (3cdc6fb )
Diagram: general improvements to rendering. (d827436 )
Diagram: support for Choice/Choices, Default and Catch. (d827436 )
Documentation: adds Transfer and Compute Action Providers to the documentation panel. (#7 ) (3cadfb1 )
enable schema validation (4876077 )
filter non-errors from markers presented in the diagram; warnings no longer block rendering. (#32 ) (4876077 )
Globus branding and configuration (34fc16f )
load and use Flow definition schema for autocomplete (#30 ) (cea01ec )
use dagre for auto-layout (258bb0b )
Bug Fixes
address issue preventing version from being displayed in header (0d5a0e5 )
DevOps: ensure auto-deployment on version tags (e1c4134 )
Diagram: fix for missing handles on 'Fail' types (4987d76 )
DOM nesting issue in StateNode (#33 ) (7cfff33 )
improved diagram rendering, better overall layout, and dark mode editor. (c79465e )
You can’t perform that action at this time.