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@github-actions github-actions released this 13 Feb 20:11
· 1703 commits to trunk-patch since this release


  • hoomd.hpmc.update.Shape properly restores shape alchemy parameters on rejected trial moves (#1696).
  • hoomd.hpmc.update.Shape now functions with hoomd.device.GPU (#1696).
  • hoomd.hpmc.update.MuVT applies external potentials (#1711).
  • hoomd.hpmc.update.QuickCompress can now reshape boxes with tilt factors <= 0 (#1709).


  • Improve component build documentation and link to the hoomd-component-template repository (#1668).
  • - CHARMM-like periodic improper potential (#1662).
  • allow_unsafe_resize flag to hoomd.hpmc.update.QuickCompress (#1678).
  • hoomd.error.GPUNotAvailableError (#1694).
  • HPMC compile time pair potential framework (CPU only). Allows potential energy in HPMC simulations without CPPPotential.
    • hoomd.hpmc.pair.LennardJones - Evaluate Lennard Jones energy between particles (#1676).
    • HPMCIntegrator.pair_potentials - Set a list of pair potentials to evaluate (#1676).
    • HPMCIntegrator.pair_energy (loggable) - Total pair energy from all pair potentials. (#1676).


  • _InternalCustomUpdater.update. (#1692).
  • _InternalCustomTuner.tune. (#1692).
  • _InternalCustomWriter.write. (#1692).
  • HDF5Log.write. (#1692).
  • hoomd.util.GPUNotAvailableError (#1694).
  • hoomd.hpmc.pair.user.CPPPotentialBase (#1676).
  • hoomd.hpmc.pair.user.CPPPotential - Use a built-in potential or compile your code in a component (#1676).
  • hoomd.hpmc.pair.user.CPPPotentialUnion - Use a built-in potential or compile your code in a component (#1676).
  • HPMCIntegrator.pair_potential - Use compiled potentials with pair_potentials (#1676).


  • Refactored the C++ API for PatchEnergy potentials (#1676).
  • Removed unused Operation._children methods (#1713).