This is the repository containing Chocolatey packages maintained by glucn
- aliyun-cli
- gcloudsdk (Thanks to previous maintainers @IvanaGyro, @gpoul)
- weixin-devtools
- wecom
- (Optional) Calculate checksum:
Get-FileHash {file}
- Update the following:
- chocolateyinstall.ps1
- $url64
- $checksum64
- .nuspec file
- version
- (there might be some other info I will need to update)
- chocolateyinstall.ps1
- Build the package:
choco pack
- Test the package:
choco install ${packageName} --debug --verbose --source .
- Push the package:
choco push ${packageName}.nupkg --source "''"
- Create Chocolatey package
- Chocolatey community repository
- Packages from the other maintainers
- Blog