This repo contains test cases and functions for storage on OpenShift. The functions can be installed as python package and used in any other python project.
Create setup with below system requirements and install required packages on host from which this repo is used as library or tests are executed.
1 Master node
3 Storage nodes
Passwordless ssh from the host (machine from where the tests would be run) to all the nodes in the cluster
Each node in the trusted storage pool should have 2 mandatory and 1 optional devices
- Device 1 (part of the topology)
- Device 2 (part of the topology)
- Device 3 (Optional additional device not part of the topology)
1 Master node
1 Compute node (for node addition and removal tests)
3 Infra node (recommended by openshift)
3 Storage nodes
3 Registry storage nodes (for logging, metrics and monitoring tests)
Passwordless ssh from the host (machine from where the tests would be run) to all the nodes in the cluster
Each node in the trusted storage pool should have 2 mandatory and 1 optional devices
- Device 1 (part of the topology)
- Device 2 (part of the topology)
- Device 3 (Optional additional device not part of the topology)
tox aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is generic virtualenv management and test command line tool you can use for
- Checking your package installs correctly with different Python versions and interpreters
- Running your tests in each of the environments, configuring your test tool of choice
- Acting as frontend to Continuous integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplates and merging CI and shell-based testing
Refer tox doc for more information.
Below are the instructions to install tox on host
Install below system packages
$ yum install python-pip git gcc python-devel
Install tox package
$ pip install git+git://
Create a config file which lists out the OCP configurations like master and storage node details, heketi related configurations etc. Sample config file can be found under tests directory
$ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml
To run test cases in a virtual environment using py2:
$ tox -e functional -- glusto -c <config_file> \ '--pytest=-v -rsx <test_file_path_or_dir>'
- For example:
- Execute single test case from test class file
$ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx \ tests/functional/arbiter/ \ -k test_arbiter_pvc_create'
- Execute all test cases from test class file
$ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx tests/functional/arbiter/'
- Execute all test cases from test directory
$ tox -e functional -- glusto -c \ tests/glusterfs-containers-tests-config.yaml \ '--pytest=-v -rsx tests'
To run test cases in a virtual environment using py3:
$ python3 -m tox -e functional3 -- glusto -c <config_file> \ '--pytest=-v -rsx <test_file_path_or_dir>'
Note, that "tox" and other python packages should be installed using pip3 - separate package installer than the one used for py2 (pip).
tests directory in glusterfs-containers-tests contains test cases. One might want to create a directory with feature name as the name of test directory under tests to add new test cases.
Similar to glusto-tests, test cases in glusterfs-containers-tests can be written using standard PyUnit, PyTest or Nose methodologies as supported by glusto framework.
One can follow the PyUnit docs to write PyUnit tests, or PyTest docs to write PyTest tests, or Nose docs to write Nose tests.
For more information on how to write test cases, refer developing-guide.
Refer PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code for more information on PEP 8 rules.
Run PEP 8 checks for all files
$ tox -e pep8
Run PEP 8 check for single file
$ tox -e pep8 <absolute_or_relative_file_path> For Example: .. code-block:: $ tox -e pep8 tests/functional/
Log file name and log level can be passed as argument to glusto command while running the glusto-tests.
For example:
$ tox -e functional -- glusto -c 'config.yml' \ -l /tmp/glustotests-ocp.log --log-level DEBUG \ '--pytest=-v -x tests -m ocp'
One can configure log files, log levels in the test cases as well. For details on how to use glusto framework for configuring logs in tests, refer docs
Default log location is /tmp/glustomain.log
When using glusto via the Python Interactive Interpreter, the default log location is /tmp/glustomain.log