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Markdown renderer for React Native powered by marked.js with built-in theming support


For React Native 0.76 and above, please use the latest version.

yarn add react-native-marked@rc react-native-svg

For React Native 0.75 and below, please use version 6.

yarn add react-native-marked@6.0.7 react-native-svg


Using Component

import * as React from "react";
import Markdown from "react-native-marked";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      value={`# Hello world`}
        initialNumToRender: 8,

export default ExampleComponent;
Prop Description Type Optional?
value Markdown value string false
flatListProps Props for customizing the underlying FlatList used Omit<FlatListProps<ReactNode>, 'data' | 'renderItem' | 'horizontal'>

('data', 'renderItem', and 'horizontal' props are omitted and cannot be overridden.)
styles Styles for parsed components MarkedStyles true
theme Props for customizing colors and spacing for all components,and it will get overridden with custom component style applied via 'styles' prop UserTheme true
baseUrl A prefix url for any relative link string true
renderer Custom component Renderer RendererInterface true

Using hook

useMarkdown hook will return list of elements that can be rendered using a list component of your choice.

import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { ScrollView, useColorScheme } from "react-native";
import { useMarkdown, type useMarkdownHookOptions } from "react-native-marked";

const CustomComponent = () => {
  const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
  const options: useMarkdownHookOptions = {
  const elements = useMarkdown("# Hello world", options);
  return (
      {, index) => {
        return <Fragment key={`demo_${index}`}>{element}</Fragment>


Option Description Type Optional?
colorScheme Device color scheme ("dark" or "light") ColorSchemeName false
styles Styles for parsed components MarkedStyles true
theme Props for customizing colors and spacing for all components,and it will get overridden with custom component style applied via 'styles' prop UserTheme true
baseUrl A prefix url for any relative link string true
renderer Custom component Renderer RendererInterface true
tokenizer Generate custom tokens MarkedTokenizer true


Supported elements

  • Headings (1 to 6)
  • Paragraph
  • Emphasis (bold, italic, and strikethrough)
  • Link
  • Image
  • Blockquote
  • Inline Code
  • Code Block
  • List (ordered, unordered)
  • Horizontal Rule
  • Table
  • HTML

Ref: CommonMark

HTML will be treated as plain text. Please refer issue#290 for a potential solution


Using custom components

Custom components can be used to override elements, i.e. Code Highlighting, Fast Image integration


import React, { ReactNode, Fragment } from "react";
import { Text, ScrollView } from "react-native";
import type { ImageStyle, TextStyle } from "react-native";
import Markdown, { Renderer, useMarkdown } from "react-native-marked";
import type { RendererInterface } from "react-native-marked";
import FastImage from "react-native-fast-image";

class CustomRenderer extends Renderer implements RendererInterface {
  constructor() {

  codespan(text: string, _styles?: TextStyle): ReactNode {
    return (
      <Text key={this.getKey()} style={{ backgroundColor: "#ff0000" }}>

  image(uri: string, _alt?: string, _style?: ImageStyle): ReactNode {
    return (
        style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}
        source={{ uri: uri }}

const renderer = new CustomRenderer();

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      value={"`Hello world`"}
        initialNumToRender: 8,

// Alternate using hook
const ExampleComponentWithHook = () => {
  const elements = useMarkdown("`Hello world`", { renderer });

  return (
      {, index) => {
        return <Fragment key={`demo_${index}`}>{element}</Fragment>

export default ExampleComponent;

Please refer to RendererInterface for all the overrides


For key property for a component, you can use the getKey method from Renderer class.


Overriding default codespan tokenizer to include LaTeX.

import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
import Markdown, { Renderer, MarkedTokenizer, MarkedLexer } from "react-native-marked";
import type { RendererInterface, CustomToken } from "react-native-marked";

class CustomTokenizer extends Tokenizer {
  codespan(src: string): Tokens.Codespan | undefined {
    const match = src.match(/^\$+([^\$\n]+?)\$+/);
    if (match?.[1]) {
      return {
        type: "codespan",
        raw: match[0],
        text: match[1].trim(),

    return super.codespan(src);

class CustomRenderer extends Renderer implements RendererInterface {
  codespan(text: string, styles?: TextStyle): ReactNode {
    return (
      <Text style={styles} key={"key-1"}>

const renderer = new CustomRenderer();
const tokenizer = new CustomTokenizer();

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  return (
      value={"$ latex code $\n\n` other code `"}
        initialNumToRender: 8,



Dark Theme Light Theme
Dark theme Light theme


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Made with create-react-native-library

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