Visualization demo of a 4D-object to get a better understanding of higher dimensional space.
Download the 4D_Demo.jar and execute it with:
java -jar 4D-Demo.jar
Recommended jre-version is 1.8
Tutorial in how to use the application.
Panel in the center.
Provides a projected view the 4D-object. You can rotate it by dragging the mouse. Select a point by clicking it. To unselect click the point again.
Panel on the left side.
There are two samples provided, a tesseract and a simplex, which can be loaded with the corresponding buttons on the top.
You can also save/load your custom 4D-objects.
Adding a point will generate a point at the coordinates with the color from the color-selector. Initial coordinate-values are 0 and the intial color is black.
When a point is selected it is highlighted with a red circle on the screen. You can edit the coordinate-values and color of the point. Recommended coordinate-values are between -1 and 1. Also you can remove a point, which also removes all connections that contain the point.
The list contains all connection in the 4D-object that contain the selected point, if no is selected it lists all connections.
When selecting a connection in the list it will highlight both contained points and you can change its color.
To add a connection you must select a point first, then press the add button and select the second point last.
Panel on the right side.
If you want to get the full glory of your 4D-object you can also uncheck the checkbox for viewing the coordinate system, which is the center of rotation for this menu.
Rotation can be done around the x-, y- and z-axis and xw-, yw- and zw-plane. You can rotate the 4D-object by adjusting the sliders or letting it automatically rotate by selecting the checkboxes.
Resetting will set everything back to the last state of save.