This repository contains the sources for the intergation of GAMA in OpenMOLE.
This plugin is distributed under the GNU Affero GPLv3 software licence.
You must install a version of sbt superior to 0.13. Then go to the repository and execute:
sbt osgi-bundle
This plugin works with the developpement version of OpenMOLE 4.0.
Due to a bug in the JVM you should first remove the -XX:+UseG1GC option in the launching script of OpenMOLE (unless you are using java 8).
Launch OpenMOLE with the gama plugin loaded:
./openmole -c -p /path/to/openmole/gama/plugin/repo/org.openmole.plugin.task.gama/target/scala-2.11/task-gama_2.11-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/openmole/gama/plugin/repo/org.openmole.ide.plugin.task.gama/target/scala-2.11/task-ide-gama_2.11-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/openmole/gama/plugin/repo/bundles/
Execute a workflow launching a Gama model in OpenMOLE:
// Declare the variable val number_of_preys = Var[Int] val nb_preys_init = Var[Int] // Gama task // The third argument of the GamaTask is the gama experiment name // and the fourth argument is the number of steps val gama = GamaTask("/path/to/predatorPrey.gaml", "preyPred", 10) set ( gamaInputs += nb_preys_init, gamaOutputs += number_of_preys ) val exploration = ExplorationTask( nb_preys_init in (0 to 200 by 10) ) val ex = exploration -< (gama hook ToStringHook()) start