The next generation, OpenTelemetry-first aggregation system for metrics, traces and logs.
Compatible with PromQL, TraceQL and LogQL.
Based on ClickHouse, fastest open-source (Apache 2.0) column-oriented database.
Work in progress. Not ready for production use.
Supported query languages:
- PromQL (Prometheus) for metrics, >99% compatibility
- TraceQL (Grafana Tempo) for traces
- LogQL (Grafana Loki) for logs
Supported ingestion protocols:
- Prometheus remote write, including exemplars
- OpenTelemetry protocol (gRPC) for metrics, traces and logs
Ingestion is possible with OpenTelemetry collector, supporting over 90 protocols.
See ch-compliance for Prometheus compatibility tests.
$ promql-compliance-tester -config-file promql-test-queries.yml -config-file test.oteldb.yml
Total: 547 / 548 (99.82%) passed, 0 unsupported
Setup oteldb, ClickHouse, Grafana, and telemetry generators:
docker compose -f dev/local/ch/docker-compose.yml up -d
You can open Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/oteldb/oteldb
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.