0.1.0 Initial release
Creates the following resources:
- S3 Bucket for kops state with default encryption
- IAM user in an external AWS Account if needed
- Public load balancer to expose Kubernetes API, even with private dns (currently we need to take control over the masters security group to grant access through the additional load balancer), including API logs in the bucket
- Managed master and bastion instance group
- Supports autospotting and min on demand settings
- Supports adding custom security groups, load balancer or target groups to instance groups
- Creates yaml manifests for all instance groups
- Creates separate instance group per availability zone to help cluster autoscaler balance similar nodes
- Can read vpc, dns and acm details from existing terraform state
- On cluster startup the cluster is validated until success
- Creates SSH key pair zu SSH to the bastion
- Can also delete the cluster when destroying the module
- Configureable settings for etcd, api server and open id connect