Author: Gokul Vasan
Memory management stress test platform.
Almost all of the memory management benchmarking tool never imitates a real programme behaviour.
This tool attempts to generate stress test on the memory mangement, but imitating program behaviour.
Every Program imitates memory locality at varied degrees. This tool does imitate that.
From the various studies and from the ”Principle of locality” of program’s behaviour from memory access perspective we can infer that:
- P1. Its the tendency of a programme to cluster the references of pages to small set of the resident pages for extended intervals.
- P2. There exists a strong Relation between the near future and near past cluster of reference pages, i.e., The set tends to overlap.
- P3. There exists a feeble or nearly no relation between distant future and distant past references of pages.
- P4. Pages are accessed in random exhibiting a stochastic behaviour.
- P5. The cluster references tends to slowly move away from one active set to another, i.e., They exhibit a quasi stationary behaviour, manifesting a quasi time series model.
When these inferences have to be implemented into a test programme, then the implementation needs to adhere to following properties:
- Allocation of pages have to be stochastic.
- Majority of the allocation have to happen during transitions.
- The program’s tendency to access the pages have to be in LRU approach, but should also stochastically access least recently or least frequently touched pages.
- Programme should exhibit phase behaviour, i.e., allocation should not happen continuously, but rather there should be a pausation behaviour in allocation request. This pausation should be stochastic.
Memgobbler imitates randomness of a program by adhering to the above rules.
RANDOM: The list defines what is randomized.
1. selection of amount of mappings in a locality.
2. selection between file and anon map.
3. selection of size of mapping.
4. Touch of a particular map.
5. length of a holding time.
6. Amount or how many to touch.
- The tool is built with Autoconf, making the tool auto-build systems like Open Emebedded friendly.
- Generates a sequence of jobs and each job is a locality.
- It is suffice to define Locality with just: holding (in phase) and transtion state.
- Tool uses combination of anon and filemap page.
- Sequence of selection between anon and file is made random.
- but, tries to maintain 3:1 ratio between file and anon respectively.
- Touch can be determined to be completly random or could be explicitly specified.
- Applies quasi-stationary behaviour:
- i.e. distribution of page reference remains constant for a period of time.
- Period of the constant distribution time is made stochastic and unpredictable.
- Obeys phased beaviour, i.e. mostly tries to touch recent allocated pages, but sometimes tries touching older phase pages.
- Runs 3 different modes:
- Controlled mode : Use args to generate controlled behaviour. or
- Rogue mode : completly random Runs till SIGKILL due to OOM Reaper.
- Trace mode : Takes a trace of IPFVT as input and imitates the same.
STEP 1: Generating array of list of files for testing
- User have to use the file_gen/ script provided with the repository to generate a drive of files.
- redirect the output of to files.h which is used by mem_gobbler.c.
- Redirection command: ./file_gen/ > files.h
- The files.h is auto generated list configured accordance to the memgobbler for stochastic access.
- Mount the generated drive, i.e., file_gen/test.img @ /media/test_images to make the drive of files accessable to the tool.
- P.S. Tool hardcodes the mount location of test.img @ /media/test_images to get the files for mmap-ping.
STEP 2: Building the tool
- Once the files.h is generated in the build directory, now we can build the memory gobbler.
- In the shell run the following in sequence:
- ./
- ./configure
- make
- This will produce binary memgobble that is ready for use.
STEP 3: Running the tool
- memgobble
- memgobble [options]
- List of options:
- -h : Display usage
- -v : Switch verbose off
- -p [locality count] : Maximum locality the system will run
- -l [upper limit] : Set the upper bound of alloc request
- -e [Execution time] : Execution time of each locality in Ms
- -M [pages] : Maximum allocation in pages per phase
- -s [speed] : Speed at which memory is gobbled
- speed: 0-n, Higher the value faster the memory exhaustion
- -t [access-type] : Access type of the locality
- access-type:
- 0: Fix memory access pattern
- 1: Stride memory access pattern
- 2: Sequential memory access pattern
- 3: Repeat memory access pattern
- 4: Random memory access pattern
- access-type:
- -V [File name] : Vector of localities
- -I [File name] : Vector of Inter Page Fault Virtual Time (IPFVT).
- Use Brk and Sbrk
- Option to tune anon and file ratio.
WARNING: Memory stress tool that could slow down the system.