Installer for the GoldenEye: Source linux server
This does not currently work as the linux server SO file is not publicly available.
##Currently tested disro's (please let me know if you test any other distros so i can update this)
- ubuntu server 16.04
- Debian 8.5
There are a few options for usage.
wget (pending)
chmod +x
sudo ./
Follow the prompts:
- Username:
- Install as Service:
- Server Name:
- Max Players:
- Server Password:
- Rcon Password:
- Server Region:
- Server launch options:
- Install Source Mod:
- Steam ID for Source Mod:
This requires you to pass command line arguments to the script
so if you are using a standard account and need to pass sudo
use su -c './ commands'
Current automation commands,
-a : run script in auto mode
- First: -a automated (required)
- Second: user account to use (required)
- Third: your Steam ID (required)
- Fourth: game launch options in "" (NOT required) if left blank default will be used
ex. su -c './ -a death STEAM:0:0:12345'
or. su -c './ -a death STEAM:0:0:12345 "-game ./gesource/ -console +maxplayers 16 +map ge_archives +exec server.cfg"
Uninstalling server:
su -c './ -uninstall'
The script will then promp to verify you want to uninstall the server and it will remove all files added