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Golioth Thingy91 Example Program


This repository highlights various aspects of the Golioth platform on the Nordic Thingy91 and Thingy91x devices.

This repo is based on the Golioth Reference Design Template.

Local set up


Do not clone this repo using git. Zephyr's west meta tool should be used to set up your local workspace.

Install the Python virtual environment (recommended)

cd ~
mkdir thingy91-golioth
python -m venv thingy91-golioth/.venv
source thingy91-golioth/.venv/bin/activate
pip install wheel west ecdsa

Use west to initialize and install

cd ~/thingy91-golioth
west init -m .
west update
west zephyr-export
pip install -r deps/zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt

Building the application

Build Zephyr sample application for the Thingy91 (thingy91_nrf9160_ns) from the top level of your project. After a successful build you will see a new build directory. Note that any changes (and git commits) to the project itself will be inside the app folder. The build and deps directories being one level higher prevents the repo from cataloging all of the changes to the dependencies and the build (so no .gitignore is needed).

Prior to building, update VERSION file to reflect the firmware version number you want to assign to this build. Then run the following commands to build and program the firmware onto the device.


You must perform a pristine build (use -p or remove the build directory) after changing the firmware version number in the VERSION file for the change to take effect.

Build for Thingy91

west build -p -b thingy91/nrf9160/ns --sysbuild app
west flash

Build for Thingy91x

west build -p -b thingy91x/nrf9151/ns --sysbuild app
west flash --erase

Provision the device

Configure PSK-ID and PSK using the device shell based on your Golioth credentials and reboot:

uart:~$ settings set golioth/psk-id <my-psk-id@my-project>
uart:~$ settings set golioth/psk <my-psk>
uart:~$ kernel reboot cold

Add Pipeline to Golioth

Golioth uses Pipelines to route stream data. This gives you flexibility to change your data routing without requiring updated device firmware.

Whenever sending stream data, you must enable a pipeline in your Golioth project to configure how that data is handled. Add the contents of pipelines/cbor-to-lightdb.yml as a new pipeline as follows (note that this is the default pipeline for new projects and may already be present):

  1. Navigate to your project on the Golioth web console.
  2. Select Pipelines from the left sidebar and click the Create button.
  3. Give your new pipeline a name and paste the pipeline configuration into the editor.
  4. Click the toggle in the bottom right to enable the pipeline and then click Create.

All data streamed to Golioth in CBOR format will now be routed to LightDB Stream and may be viewed using the web console. You may change this behavior at any time without updating firmware simply by editing this pipeline entry.

Golioth Features

This app currently implements Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates, Settings Service, Logging, RPC, and both LightDB State and LightDB Stream data.

Settings Service

The following settings should be set in the Device Settings menu of the Golioth Console.


Adjusts the delay between sensor readings. Set to an integer value (seconds).

Default value is 60 seconds.


Adjusts the total LED fade time from 0.5 to 10 seconds. Set to an integer value (milliseconds).

Default value is 1200 milliseconds.


Adjusts brightness of onboard red LED. Set to an integer value (percentage).

Default value is 50 percent.


Adjusts brightness of onboard green LED. Set to an integer value (percentage).

Default value is 50 percent.


Adjusts brightness of onboard blue LED. Set to an integer value (percentage).

Default value is 50 percent.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service

The following RPCs can be initiated in the Remote Procedure Call menu of the Golioth Console.

Query and return network information.
Reboot the system.

Set the log level.

The method takes a single parameter which can be one of the following integer values:


The Thingy91 can play different songs when the play_song RPC is sent with one of the following parameters:

  • beep: Play a short 1 kHz tone. Also plays when button is pressed.
  • funkytown: Play the main tune from the 70s classic.
  • mario: Itsa me...a classic chiptune song!
  • golioth: A short theme for Golioth. Also plays on device boot.

Note that the Thingy91x does not have a buzzer and will return an "unimplemented" error code which this method is called.

Time-Series Stream data

Sensor data is sent to Golioth based on the LOOP_DELAY_S setting. Sensor vary between the supported boards, so different readings are available based on your hardware. Data may be viewed in the Golioth Console by viewing the LightDB Stream tab of the device, or the in the Project's Monitor section on the left sidebar.

Below you will find sample data for the devices supported by this application.


   "sensor": {
      "accel": {
         "x": 0.343232,
         "y": -0.156906,
         "z": -9.257477
      "light": {
         "blue": 23,
         "green": 56,
         "ir": 6,
         "red": 29
      "weather": {
         "gas": 51344,
         "hum": 35.593,
         "pre": 98.548,
         "tem": 22.62


   "sensor": {
      "accel": {
         "x": -0.008085,
         "y": 0.0294,
         "z": -0.803845
      "weather": {
         "co2": 467.279876,
         "hum": 30.058282,
         "iaq": 35,
         "pre": 98511,
         "tem": 20.995311,
         "voc": 0.43105

Stateful Data (LightDB State)

Up-counting and down-counting timer readings are periodically sent to the actual path of the LightDB Stream service. The frequency that these reading change is based on the LOOP_DELAY_S setting.

  • desired values may be changed from the cloud side. The device will recognize these, validate them for [0..9999] bounding, and then reset these endpoints to -1. Changes may be made while the device is not connected and will persist until the next time a connection is established.
  • actual values will be updated by the device whenever a valid value is received from the desired endpoints. The cloud may read the state endpoints to determine device status, but only the device should ever write to the state endpoints.

OTA Firmware Update

This application includes the ability to perform Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware updates:

  1. Update the version number in the VERSION file and perform a pristine (important) build to incorporate the version change.
  2. Upload the build/app/zephyr/zephyr.signed.bin file as a Package for your Golioth project.
    • Use either thingy91 or thingy91x as the package name, depending on which board the update file was built for. (These package names were configured in this repository's board .conf files.)
    • Use the same version number from step 1.
  3. Create a Cohort for your device type (thingy91 or thingy91x)
  4. Create a Deployment for your Cohort using the package name and version number from step 2.
  5. Devices in your Cohort will automatically upgrade to the most recently deployed firmware.

Visit the Golioth Docs OTA Firmware Upgrade page for more info.