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Cache manager with default file and redis driver (rate limiter and verification code manager included).

Create New Cache Driver

Cache library contains two different driver by default.

NOTE: You can extend your driver by implementing Cache interface.

Create File Based Driver

for creating file based driver you must pass file name prefix and cache directory to constructor function.

Note: You must call CleanFileExpiration function manually to clear expired records!

import ""
if fCache := cache.NewFileCache("myApp", "./caches"); fCache != nil {
  // Cache driver created
} else {
  panic("failed to build cache driver")

Create Redis Based Driver

for creating redis based driver you must pass prefix, and redis options to constructor function.

import ""
if rCache := cache.NewRedisCache("myApp", redis.Options{
  Addr: "localhost:6379",
}); rCache != nil {
  // Cache driver created
} else {
  panic("failed to build cache driver")


Cache interface contains following methods:


A new value to cache.

// Signature:
Put(key string, value any, ttl time.Duration) error

// Example:
err := rCache.Put("total-debt", 410203, 100 * time.Hour)


Put value with infinite ttl.

// Signature:
PutForever(key string, value any) error

// Example:
err := rCache.PutForever("base-discount", 10)


Change value of cache item and return false if item not exists (this. methods keep cache ttl).

Cation: set value on non exists item will generate error. please check if item exists before set or use put method instead!

// Signature:
Set(key string, value any) (bool, error)

// Example:
ok, err := rCache.Set("base-discount", 15)


Get item from cache.

// Signature:
Get(key string) (any, error)

// Example:
v, err := rCache.Get("total-users")


Check if item exists in cache.

// Signature:
Exists(key string) (bool, error)

// Example:
exists, err := rCache.Exists("total-users");


Delete Item from cache.

// Signature:
Forget(key string) error

// Example:
err := rCache.Forget("total-users")


Item from cache and then remove it.

// Signature:
Pull(key string) (any, error)

// Example:
v, err := rCache.Pull("total-users")


Get cache item ttl. This method returns -1 if item not exists.

// Signature:
TTL(key string) (time.Duration, error)

// Example:
ttl, err := rCache.TTL("total-users")


Parse cache item as caster.

// Signature:
Cast(key string) (caster.Caster, error)

// Example:
c, err := rCache.Cast("total-users")
v, err := c.Int32()


Increment numeric item by float, return false if item not exists

// Signature:
IncrementFloat(key string, value float64) (bool, error)

// Example:
err := rCache.IncrementFloat("some-float", 0.01)


Increment numeric item by int, return false if item not exists

// Signature:
Increment(key string, value int64) (bool, error)

// Example:
err := rCache.Increment("some-number", 10)


Decrement numeric item by float, return false if item not exists

// Signature:
DecrementFloat(key string, value float64) (bool, error)

// Example:
err := rCache.DecrementFloat("some-float", 0.29)


Decrement numeric item by int, return false if item not exists

// Signature:
Decrement(key string, value int64) (bool, error)

// Example:
err := rCache.Decrement("total-try", 1)

Create New Queue Driver

func NewRedisQueue(name string, opt redis.Options) Queue


Queue new item.


Read first queue item.

Create New Rate Limiter Driver

Note: Rate limiter based on cache, For creating rate limiter driver you must pass a cache driver instance to constructor function.

// Signature:
NewRateLimiter(key string, maxAttempts uint32, ttl time.Duration, cache Cache) (RateLimiter, error)

// Example: allow 3 attempts every 60 seconds
import ""
limiter, err := cache.NewRateLimiter("login-attempts", 3, 60 * time.Second, rCache)


Rate limiter interface contains following methods:


Decrease the allowed times.

// Signature:
Hit() error

// Example:
err := limiter.Hit()


Lock rate limiter.

// Signature:
Lock() error

// Example:
err := limiter.Lock() // no more attempts left


Reset rate limiter (clear total attempts).

// Signature:
Reset() error

// Example:
err := limiter.Reset()


Remove rate limiter record. call any method after clear with generate "NotExists" error!

// Signature:
Clear() error

// Example:
err := limiter.Clear()


Check if rate limiter must lock access.

// Signature:
MustLock() (bool, error)

// Example:
if locked, _:= limiter.MustLock(), locked {
  // Block access


Get user attempts count.

// Signature:
TotalAttempts() (uint32, error)

// Example:
totalAtt, err := limiter.TotalAttempts() // 3


Get user retries left.

// Signature:
RetriesLeft() (uint32, error)

// Example:
leftRet, err := limiter.RetriesLeft() // 2


Get time until unlock.

// Signature:
AvailableIn() (time.Duration, error)

// Example:
availableIn, err := limiter.AvailableIn()

Create New Verification Code Driver

verification code used for managing verification code sent to user.

Note: Verification code based on cache, For creating verification code driver you must pass a cache driver instance to constructor function.

// Signature:
NewVerificationCode(key string, ttl time.Duration, cache Cache) (VerificationCode, error)

// Example:
import ""
vCode, err := cache.NewVerificationCode("phone-verification", 5 * time.Minute, rCache)


Verification code interface contains following methods:


Set code. You can set code directly or use generator methods.

// Signature:
Set(value string) error

// Example:
err := vCode.Set("ABD531")


Generate a random numeric code with 5 character length and set as code.

// Signature:
Generate() (string, error)

// Example:
code, err := vCode.Generate()


Generate a random numeric code with special character length and set as code.

// Signature:
GenerateN(count uint) (string, error)

// Example:
code, err := vCode.GenerateN(6)


Clear code from cache.

// Signature:
Clear() error

// Example:
err := vCode.Clear()


Get code.

// Signature:
Get() (string, error)

// Example:
code, err := vCode.Get()


Exists check if code exists in cache and not empty.

// Signature:
Exists() (bool, error)

// Example:
exists, err := vCode.Exists()


Get token ttl.

// Signature:
TTL() (time.Duration, error)

// Example:
ttl, err := vCode.TTl()